where to place an LED??

Started by Mecha Money, June 22, 2011, 10:05:10 AM

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Mecha Money

Hi all,

I'm about to start my first project - the Jameco Pulse Width Modulation circuit/kit from the Make Zine video series "Circuit Skills" http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/06/circuit-skills-perfboard-prototypin.html  http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/07/perfboard-prototyping-project-updat.html

I am going to add in true bypass switch and and LED based on this wiring diagram from Beavis Audio http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/StompboxWiring/

Looking at the B. Audio diagram, it seems that the LED will only indicate that the pedal is active. I want to wire the LED so that it pulses with the rate of the effect. Should I connect the LED to one of the effect control pots instead?

Thanks in advance for the help. This is my first build attempt and I'm trying to figure out all these mods in advance. (Which is a bit of a challenge, since I have minimal knowledge of electronics.  :icon_confused: )


Mecha Money

Forgot to mention - is it possible/difficult to use a Dual-color LED, or is it best to stick with single color?




Quote from: Mecha Money on June 22, 2011, 10:05:10 AM
...my first project...I have minimal knowledge of electronics...

Then keep it simple.

Make the circuit as per the instructions that you have and check that it sounds the way you thought it would. If you think it's a keeper, you've got instructions for wiring up to a stomp switch with an "effect on" indicator LED. The circuit will work without the flashing LED, so gain some experience of building effects from known, working designs.
Bringing you yesterday's technology tomorrow.

Mecha Money

okay, so i'm just about to button this puppy up - love the effect, yes on/off indicating LED is adequate, but it's my first build - i want to trick it out.

instead of putting the LED between the 9v+ and the 3dpt switch per general guitar gadgets handy dandy wiring guide, if i ran it from the LFO pot's output lug would that give me a rate LED or should I wire the LED from one of the 40106 IC pins (see links in original post)

would greatly appreciate any and all help.

for the record, i'm not looking to be an electro guru. i just want to build my own pedal. forget the whole "give a man a fish..." idea on this one and please just say "wire it here...".



Can you post a schematic of the circuit you are referring to?


> Can you post a schematic of the circuit you are referring to?

It's in the first link Mecha Money posted?


> forget the whole "give a man a fish..."


> LED so that it pulses with the rate

You better not be hungry in the morning.


Mecha Money

thank you thank you thank you!

the only thing i hunger for this morning is a chance to place that LED!



  The shown circuit looks like it's on a breadboard.
   Completely independant to the audio circuit [unless power supply currents cause voltage ripple on the DC supply], the BB is a good place to sort out the LED orientation, current limiting resistor values, and that the circuit is complete or open depending on...whether the circuit is open or not [switch or just twisting wires together where a testable switch can be placed. ...and that it actually lights the LED and works as expected.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.
