Preamp for LR Baggs M1

Started by JRay, July 03, 2011, 03:41:10 AM

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Hi All
I am putting together a belt preamp for a new Takamine Triax pickup (LR Baggs M1 essentially) for my acoustic. This pickup has an output of around 100mV maximum and therefore I need a little over 20dB of gain. I also want a volume control and low output impedance. I have put together the circuit below based on a OPA2134 op-amp (a little over kill for this app, but I need the headroom and very low noise)

I wondered if you could advise if it would be better to configure the input op-amp as unity gain and use the op-amp after the volume pot to provide all the gain, or as shown, share the gain between both op-amp sections? I am thinking that if the input op-amp had less output, this may lower any pot noise when adjusting the volume?

Also do you guys and girls think the component values I have in the feedback loops etc will result in good low noise and good fidelity operation?

Any improvement suggestions are very welcome!



  An opamp data sheet and related comprehension references can explain opamp gain better than my typing.
   Consider the opamp buffer configuration as 1:1 unity gain [though it may turn out to be very slightly <1:1 gain, the current drive might make it seem boosted].
  I'd use the volume pot../ or toss it and put an alternative to "pot=volume control" into service there if the potentiometer bugged me for some reason.
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