Any theremin project?

Started by sushyoshi, July 11, 2011, 03:50:03 PM

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I am interested in building a theremin. I would like to know if anyone build one or have any project that would like to share?


i've build a few in the past, but mostly with ldr instead of antennas.. if i were you i would def stick with antenna and a more ' serious' build.. you will eventually be disappointed with something that only makes anti-bat signals.

search for jaycar for example.. try to avoid older schematics.. they will have a lot of hard to find parts.. i had some info on a theremin.. will try to dig up some

this one for example.. already has a pcb you can easily populate
"If I could make noise with anything, I was going to"


google's quite good  ;)

*edit* also:

*edit*edit* doh! pesky internet! be sure to enter the word 'theremin' into the search box on that second link - i borked it and have failed to fix it. can't comment from personal experience with antennae as i've only cobbled together a couple of optical noise makers but have read that others have had reasonable results with the cmos theremin which is a pretty simple minimal component design and may provide insight into probe wah style controllers. would love to build an all valve version one day...


"If I could make noise with anything, I was going to"



nick d

               There's one on Beavis Audio Research , uses an antena and 2 CMOS chips ( 4069 & 4046 )
                 Looks cheap and simple ( ! ? ) , worth a look .


nothing generating a square wave is ever going to sound like an actual theremin.

consider using a 'probe' (vex style) control on one of those VCOs with a sine output? (never tried it, always wanted to)


  Theremax, at PIAA.
      High quality kit, dual UHF carrier oscillator design = third-note [noticable in 'audio band']...very cool, especially with echo, very hard for me to play a tune without warmups to create a 'virtual index' by playing a few octaves and fifths with closed eyes to create a visualize imagined theremin-fretboard.
   Good stability, ~easy to build, nice features, volume and pitch antenna circuits.
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