Where to get these enclosures?

Started by therecordingart, August 01, 2011, 09:09:01 PM

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You might also do a search for "instrument enclosure." You'll find some similar to the picture.
If it ain't broke...   ...it will be soon.


beavisaudio had enclosures like that for his noisy crickets, I think

You'd have to etch/engrave the face of the enclosure, but IIRC, they were made by "boxenclosures.com" or something... check his site out if that isnt it!

EDIT: These maybe?

tiges_ tendres

Google - Extruded aluminum enclosure.
Try a little tenderness.


A little more than halfway down this page you will see "EXTRUDED ALUMINUM" enclosures:


You can get various end plates in plastic, aluminum sheet or cast aluminum.  There were a lot of old modem enclosures like this.