Neovibe with Tremolo and Stereo Out mods

Started by ChristoMephisto, September 23, 2011, 12:26:33 PM

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Plan on building a Neovibe pedal and place it in a Boss EV-10 Expression pedal, at 12.5"x4.25" there's plenty of room and lots of throw in the pedal.
It already has a 10k pot in the foot control, so will use the single lfo pot trick.

On the 'tech. of the univibe' page, for the stereo conversion it mentions to rebias Q10 with one added and some changed resistors.
In the diagram it suggests the following
R30 68k to 100k
R34 4k7 to 22k
add 22k to the collector

haven't found anything else about this, but this build report was greatly helpful
in this mod, he's adding a 47k resistor to the collector
do i change R34 to 47k as well, leave at 22k?

Also wanting to add the Tremolo mod from the RT18
Using a 3P3T switch and use the third poles for the B channel after the new output mixer.
Add a second 47k to gnd and a 1uf to Q5/R17

Plan on adding the dual mono/stereo switch shown from the univibe page
When in stereo mode, one side peaks while the other notches,   :icon_biggrin:
so if you can do this while in the Tremolo mode, wouldn't that be Panning? :icon_lol:

Then I noticed when in Trem mode, it skips over Q10 and straight to the Volume pot
The 1uf cap it goes through is the same as C17's function
Would the Trem still rise and fall to each output, or would it be the same from both?
If not, any way to get it around it? Instead if tapping into the first LDR section,
tap into the last LDR section and somehow to Q10, then to the switch and volume
Or am i looking at the wrong area for inverting the signal?

Would like to get Panning from this if I can....
Maybe even use a 4P6T switch for trem/vibe/chorus in dual mono and stereo,

Noticed pad P is for the stereo conversion
Don't know what the (B) pad is for, lower left by the lamp shield.