Building something comperable to mosquite blender

Started by Russ15, October 05, 2011, 09:22:05 PM

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My buddy is looking to build a single channel true bypass with wet/dry blender.  He showed me this link to one he found that is exactly what he is looking for  Now I have seen schematics for a true bypass that is very simple   as well as Sean M's B Blender.  If he built these 2 separately could they somehow work together or could they somehow be wired together in one encolusre?  (I am a drummer so pardon me that I don't understand guitar and bass pedals).  Also if the b blender won't work with a true bypass can you use the paralooper or splitter-blend with it?  Thanks guys.  Sorry for the limited understanding


Any of the blender circuits you mentioned can be used to do this. You build your blender and then add true bypass wiring to that. Using the splitter blender as an example, and this  true bypass wiring the green wire would go to the input of the splitter-blend and the purple wire goes to the output of the splitter-blend.

There's other true bypass wiring examples on that site the same thing will work with any of them.

Hope that makes sense :)


Slacker... thank you so much for your reply.  That does make sense to me however I am hoping you can connect the dots for me on this one.  Given what you have said how could I do this wiring setup...

True bypass layout here :


B Blender:

I will review more thoroughly what you have posted, just thought I would hit you with a quick reply to see if this is possible.  Thanks again

EDIT: Does this look correct? 


No that's not right. If you start with Beavis's looper you want to disconnect the blue and yellow wires from the tips of the send and return jacks. The blue wire from the switch then goes to the In on the bblender, and the middle lug of the volume on the bblender goes to the yellow wire to the switch. The SND and RTN on the bblender then go to the tips of the send and return jacks on the looper.


Thanks for the adjustments how does this look?  Everything correct here?  Also found this, which matches up with what you have described

