Volume Pedal Build

Started by Ultrakd, October 27, 2011, 06:28:02 PM

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Im looking for a good volume pedal build. I like the look of the Ernie Ball Volume Pedals but Im not sure how to go about making one. Could anyone give me some input, thanks.
Guitars: Ibanez S570DXQM
Amps:  Peavey ValveKing 112, Roland 15XL
Pedals: Big Muff w/ Tone & Wicker, Original Crybaby w/Modifications, BYOC Overdrive 2, Danelectro Cool Cat Chorus, Boss PH-3, Wave Breaker Tremolo,


Most difficult part of one of those is the treadle - you can't just get an enclosure with one built in.  The internals are typically just a single potentiometer.  Could throw a booster in.
I made the transistor angry.