OCD doesn't clip?

Started by add4, January 01, 2012, 07:01:02 AM

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I'm building an OCD using a board from madbean (egodriver : http://www.madbeanpedals.com/projects/EgoDriver/docs/EgoDriver.pdf ) and i can't get it to clip the signal.
The pots all work: volume controls the volume, tone controls the tone, gain controls .. the gain but theres no distortion out of it. it's basically a clean booster with low cut.
Now this circuit is very simple and is basically a simple dual op amp amplifier with hard clipping between the two , and a switch to choose which diodes clips. So i thought if the signal is not clipped, it's because it doesn't go into the clipping section.
i checked continuity of the diodes/mosfet section and everything seems pretty correct. my DMM beeps when i touch the middle lug of the diode switch and the leg of the diodes, it also beeps when i touch the other legs and Vb, so i guess it SHOULD be connected and thus clip..

Second thought was: what if i put a bad resistor in the feedback loop of the first half of the opamp and it doesn't push the signal enough to drive the LEDs (ultra bright blue)? i checked the resistor, no problem. the gain pot is 1M anyway so there should be plenty of gain even with a mistake.

Voltages at the legs of the IC (TL082) are
1 4.5
2 4.1
3 2.8
4: 0
5: 4.5
6: 4.5
8: 9

I thought the pin 3 measurement would be the problem, but someone at mad bean's forum told me :
"Pin 3 measurement is OK. The DMM loads the circuit at the point causing a low reading." so i guess it's ok.
to be sure of that, I also checked the values of the components in the input section since it feeds pin 3 of the IC, and the values of the components are ok, continuity is also ok because i got signal out of the effect..

I reflowed all solder joints for the fun of it.

I'm running out of ideas.. would anyone have a suggestion for the next move?
Thanks in advance

p.s. happy new year everyone


My guess is something is wrong round the first opamp stage, with the gain on maximum you should be getting plenty of clipping from the opamp, so even if there was a problem with your mosfets or LEDs you should still have distortion.

I'd check the values and connections on all the components round the first stage especially the gain pot and C3 and R4. If R4 was bigger than it's supposed to be you will get less gain than you are supposed to.


Hey, just an update with that .. i checked the part values .. and i noticed that i subbed C3, at the end of the first of amp stage: i needed 68n and didn't have it so i thought i'd put a 100n ... and put a 1n instead .. result: dramatic gain loss and no distortion .. it works now.
thanks for your help, it was exactly what you said :)
Many thanks


And i saw in the building instructions that the clipping diodes have been modded cus he made a mistake when drawing the PCB layout... maybe u saw that u cant connect the LED´s to the groundpads ?