Circuit Designer/Builder at your disposial

Started by kevilay, January 08, 2012, 08:29:47 PM

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Hey guys, Im a circuit designer and builder. My main hobby is also playing guitar. Right now Im working in tool and die some im trying to get some practice in and have some fun building some pedals. Ive built amps, wah's, regular pedals. Here is what im looking to do now. I want to design and build a pedal myself. No kits. I will design a PCB and have it professionally made, then find a case to fix it up. Why I am here is to ask you guys what you want in a pedal? I had a few ideas of stuff I could make that would end up pretty cheap to the consumer. I plan to make between 50 and 100 of whatever I make. And more if its in demand :) Heres a few ideas:

Analog Delay
Reverb/Chorus Pedal
Flanger/Phaser Pedal
Real Spring Reverb Pedal
All In one TubeScreamer/Chorus/Reverb

If you have any ideas or can think of something you would like to see please post :) There is no stupid ideas.

On another note, Im looking for some schematics I have not been able to locate. Moog MF-104z, MRX Carbon Copy Analog Delay and the airplane flanger (paul gilbert)

Thanks for your time,


Wow! Thrilling. I would like you to design a phaser please.  :o

....and welcome!

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Have u ever built a Marshall Guvnor clone ?



Thanks for the welcome, Any phasers in particular that you like?

And no I have not built one of those.

One of my best builds was a JCM800 clone, hotrodded with a foot switchable 2nd clean channel with its own set of volume control knobs.

I was thinking combining 2 pedals into one I can save alot of money on the board and case so in the end it would be much cheaper? Just a thought what do you guys think?


Lol... careful with Rick's request... it could be either something simple like a Phase 45 or something like a "Casualty 6" to fit a 1590A.
Give a man Fuzz, and he'll jam for a day... teach a man how to make a Fuzz and he'll never jam again!


Quote from: Earthscum on January 08, 2012, 09:21:16 PM

You're not the first person to mis-name it that way, it's Causality. Anyway, I'm off to bed before I request something insane like a 14 stage phaser......

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


I would love to try some high end botique pedals. Like the MF pedal I listed. Just need a schematic. Or even the MXR analog pedal would be awesome. ANy more suggestions?


Maybe some kind of take on the auto-wah?  I don't know.


Quote from: frequencycentral on January 08, 2012, 09:48:44 PM
Quote from: Earthscum on January 08, 2012, 09:21:16 PM

You're not the first person to mis-name it that way, it's Causality. Anyway, I'm off to bed before I request something insane like a 14 stage phaser......

Doh! I did notice that a long time ago, but still have it stuck in my head as Casualty... funny thing is that it's apparently common enough that it ends up linking around to it anyways. I guess it's one of those words, like Reaction and Recreation, I kept reading about a local group called "Synth Reaction", thinking it was kind of a ghey name as "Synth Recreation", lol. that's like the difference between Hanson and The Hanson Brothers.  ;D
Give a man Fuzz, and he'll jam for a day... teach a man how to make a Fuzz and he'll never jam again!


What do you guys think of the mad professor auto wah i could do something along those line?


maybe a tubescreamer/noise gate all in one? Anyone else love the sound of tubescreamers but also find their noisey?


Hmmm, maybe a neovibe small enough to fit in a wah shell?  ;)


Quote from: Beo on January 08, 2012, 11:12:01 PM
Hmmm, maybe a neovibe small enough to fit in a wah shell?  ;)

Yeah, good choice.

That'll get your tail chewed out.


In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


What do you guys think of taking a chorus, reverb and tube screamer and cramming it into one awesome pedal? Id use all really high end quality circuits


Quote from: kevilay on January 08, 2012, 10:42:44 PM
What do you guys think of the mad professor auto wah i could do something along those line?

I've already build that.

Sanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result. Mick Taylor

Please at least have 1 forum post before sending me a PM demanding something.


Hey Kevilay, I feel that I must explain to you that the guys are funnin' you. They aren't really mean people, and I'm sure you're not a bad guy, but your post is the sort of thing that they find to be some combination of sad, annoying, and funny. I get why that is, but at the same time I have a hard time watching somebody get kicked around because he doesn't get what's happening.

A few things:
1. it's unclear exactly what you're after here.
1a. Do you want to design circuits to give to the community, so others can build them for fun? If so, awesome, get to it. But putting two circuits in one box does not qualify as designing a circuit, and it's not an idea that could really be given to the DIY community. Making something like some other pedal is also not designing a circuit, especially when you need somebody to give you the schematic first.

1b. Do you want to build these items for sale? If so, awesome, get to it. But, this is not a forum for getting ideas for things you want to sell. A lot of people object deeply to a DIY sharing community being used to generate ideas for commercial gain, especially when the person isn't really putting the slightest amount of legwork into it (even coming up with what kind of thing he's going to make). Also keep in mind that coming up with the general type of thing you're going to make is kind of the absolute simplest part of making pedals for sale. If that part is proving difficult for you, think seriously about what this kind of endeavor really means and decide whether you can realistically take it on.

2. You declare yourself to be a circuit designer "at our service", then you say you need a schematic to be able to design a pedal. There is a dissonance here that many will find to be distasteful. Some of the things you've mentioned are things that people in this thread have already done and published to the forum - to them this indicates you haven't really done your homework before jumping into thinking of yourself as a master designer.

It sounds to me like you want to build pedals for money, but you don't really have any concrete ideas about what to make. There are forums on the internet where people will be happy to give you ideas about pedals they'd want to buy, but this isn't that kind of forum. I would recommend you find consumer forums rather than DIY forums, like TheGearPage or Harmony Central, but before that I would recommend that you get more familiar with what's already out there, both from a consumer standpoint and a design standpoint.

If I'm wrong, and you want to design things that will be used by DIYers (circuits, circuit boards, fancy painted boxes etc.), then I don't think many will have a problem with that and I'm sure people would have ideas for you. But you won't be making $50 to $100 per.  ;)


I would really like it if someone would design a Gristleizer pcb.


Quote from: markeebee on January 09, 2012, 07:16:31 AM
I would really like it if someone would design a Gristleizer pcb.

I would like the wiring to be neater than it looks.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Quote from: frequencycentral on January 09, 2012, 07:25:09 AM
Quote from: markeebee on January 09, 2012, 07:16:31 AM
I would really like it if someone would design a Gristleizer pcb.

I would like the wiring to be neater than it looks.

:icon_lol:  :icon_lol:  :icon_lol:  :icon_cool:
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