Circuit Designer/Builder at your disposial

Started by kevilay, January 08, 2012, 08:29:47 PM

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Quote from: Taylor on January 09, 2012, 06:57:06 AM
Hey Kevilay, I feel that I must explain to you that the guys are funnin' you. They aren't really mean people, and I'm sure you're not a bad guy, but your post is the sort of thing that they find to be some combination of sad, annoying, and funny. I get why that is, but at the same time I have a hard time watching somebody get kicked around because he doesn't get what's happening.

A few things:
1. it's unclear exactly what you're after here.
1a. Do you want to design circuits to give to the community, so others can build them for fun? If so, awesome, get to it. But putting two circuits in one box does not qualify as designing a circuit, and it's not an idea that could really be given to the DIY community. Making something like some other pedal is also not designing a circuit, especially when you need somebody to give you the schematic first.

1b. Do you want to build these items for sale? If so, awesome, get to it. But, this is not a forum for getting ideas for things you want to sell. A lot of people object deeply to a DIY sharing community being used to generate ideas for commercial gain, especially when the person isn't really putting the slightest amount of legwork into it (even coming up with what kind of thing he's going to make). Also keep in mind that coming up with the general type of thing you're going to make is kind of the absolute simplest part of making pedals for sale. If that part is proving difficult for you, think seriously about what this kind of endeavor really means and decide whether you can realistically take it on.

2. You declare yourself to be a circuit designer "at our service", then you say you need a schematic to be able to design a pedal. There is a dissonance here that many will find to be distasteful. Some of the things you've mentioned are things that people in this thread have already done and published to the forum - to them this indicates you haven't really done your homework before jumping into thinking of yourself as a master designer.

It sounds to me like you want to build pedals for money, but you don't really have any concrete ideas about what to make. There are forums on the internet where people will be happy to give you ideas about pedals they'd want to buy, but this isn't that kind of forum. I would recommend you find consumer forums rather than DIY forums, like TheGearPage or Harmony Central, but before that I would recommend that you get more familiar with what's already out there, both from a consumer standpoint and a design standpoint.

If I'm wrong, and you want to design things that will be used by DIYers (circuits, circuit boards, fancy painted boxes etc.), then I don't think many will have a problem with that and I'm sure people would have ideas for you. But you won't be making $50 to $100 per.  ;)

Thats was exactly what i felt also about this ...


Quote from: Earthscum on January 08, 2012, 10:08:11 PM
Quote from: frequencycentral on January 08, 2012, 09:48:44 PM
Quote from: Earthscum on January 08, 2012, 09:21:16 PM

You're not the first person to mis-name it that way, it's Causality. Anyway, I'm off to bed before I request something insane like a 14 stage phaser......

Doh! I did notice that a long time ago, but still have it stuck in my head as Casualty... funny thing is that it's apparently common enough that it ends up linking around to it anyways. I guess it's one of those words, like Reaction and Recreation, I kept reading about a local group called "Synth Reaction", thinking it was kind of a ghey name as "Synth Recreation", lol. that's like the difference between Hanson and The Hanson Brothers.  ;D

Yeah my wife has the same problem with 'orgasm' and 'organism', which probably explains why she's so goddam happy all the time.

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


hmm i always thought it was 'casualty'....i thought you'd been watching too much crap tv... ;)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


I wonder how many people also read the title of this thread as 'Circuit Designer/Builder at your disposal'............?

Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Quote from: frequencycentral on January 09, 2012, 08:51:03 AM
I wonder how many people also read the title of this thread as 'Circuit Designer/Builder at your disposal'............?

Yes I did.. and thats why i thought; What the hell... why does a designer need a schematic for.. isnt the whole idea as a designer to make make a scematic and design a PCB ?


OP why have you been cluttering all the electronic music forums with this garbage?
My DIY site:


Quote from: kurtlives on January 09, 2012, 09:46:45 AM
OP why have you been cluttering all the electronic music forums with this garbage?

Careful! You dont want to end up like this guy  :icon_lol:
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'


Quote from: Perkla on January 09, 2012, 09:11:41 AM
Yes I did.. and thats why i thought; What the hell... why does a designer need a schematic for.. isnt the whole idea as a designer to make make a scematic and design a PCB ?
Could be a bot. I got sucked in by a bot on another forum. The bots are getting better.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


I have no idea but how ever it does not seems to be a very good designer if he cant draw schematics.. thats is what u need to draw to be able to say that u are a designer. But how ever, at least he have built a JCM 800 clone.. maybe thats good enaugh to be called a desinger/Builder... ?


Quote from: Perkla on January 09, 2012, 10:08:11 AM
I have no idea but how ever it does not seems to be a very good designer if he cant draw schematics.. thats is what u need to draw to be able to say that u are a designer. But how ever, at least he have built a JCM 800 clone.. maybe thats good enaugh to be called a desinger/Builder... ?
Totally reminds me of when my dad's friend was joking about those 'posers' in photography .


QuoteI was in France
Or Switzerland
In a store looking out on a cobblestoned street in a quaint village
I had received a toy xylophone in the mail, it was sent by David Bowie
Saying to come visit him at his recording studio
But it was a form letter
With my name stamped on it
Apparently he had sent many people the same xylophone
With the same request
Saying that he was working on a new record
And anybody with some ideas should come and visit him.
I thought "yeah
he'll take everybody's ideas and then we'll never hear from him again".
The more I pondered this, the less benevolent the gift became.
Then I looked closer
and realised that it had been sent to me by mistake
The package was actually addressed to some wealthy people...


Ok, maybe he wants to profit from other's wants/ideas & is in the wrong place, ok, maybe he should have assessed the lay of the land here a little before making such an entry, ok, maybe there are some things a little suspect here re schems etc.....but pack mentailty is never a nice thing to watch on a forum.

I'd rather have seen something by way of a reply to someone still finding their feet on the forum more along the lines of..."hey, thanks for the heads up, but we tend to go the diy way & helping others for zero or 'at cost' here, stick around an join us....your input would be most welcome... blah blah"

The odd thing me it seems that there are other members already profiting from this community....but presumably becuase they're established members nobody seems to question the practise - goose gander etc.


How about designing a goose-gander pedal? When you play through it, it's ok if you noodle during sound-check, but if someone else starts noodling, it produces a 1kHz square wave at 100dB until they stop.

+1 @ Taylor for being a mensch.
"...and weird on top!"


I'm not quite sure why, but I am thoroughly enjoying this thread on several different levels.  :icon_biggrin:


Quote from: GGBB on January 09, 2012, 01:56:51 PM
I'm not quite sure why, but I am thoroughly enjoying this thread on several different levels.  :icon_biggrin:

Me to  :icon_biggrin:


Quote from: Gurner on January 09, 2012, 12:49:00 PM
The odd thing me it seems that there are other members already profiting from this community....but presumably becuase they're established members nobody seems to question the practise - goose gander etc.


Although I respect just about ALL of the members that fall into this category, it appears that the rules do not apply to some that are held in "higher esteem."

I believe, as in most cases, the grief that is bestowed upon the unsuspecting OP is mostly due to the fact the it is the 1st post on the forum and it clearly hints at " I'm looking to make some money so please give me some free ideas and literature that you people have worked hard to create so I don't have to do the ground work myself."

If this is not the case the I am surely willing to admit my error in judgement  :-\
A Veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America
for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'

The Tone God

I don't think a "pack mentality" is happening as no one has really attacked or directly insulted the OP although I think there have been a few inside humours jabs at the OP expense that while entertaining were also subtitle hints that the OP needs to learn the environment here little more.

That being said I did a little research and the OP has been posting similar offers/questions at other forums so as such I will consider this a spamming post and will lock it.
