Fuzz Factory problem - i tried everything!

Started by Tasuit, January 26, 2012, 04:38:31 PM

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Hello dear DIYstompboxers!
I have searched your forums clean of clues or answers to as what could be causing this. After spending the last week in here looking for an answer i decided to join up.
I'm building a Fuzz factory, of the french schematic (http://membres.multimania.fr/davpseudo/ffactorx.htm - the second schematic with ground) - Everything works fine, except this little wierd bug I'm having.

When i touch my finger on Q1's Collector and the ground coming from the mono jack - it works. But when i dont have my fingers there, the sound drops and the oscilliating and fuzz effects disappear. I've tried nearly everything - and I'm pretty confident that its my grounding that is uncorrect.

How should i wire the ground? Right now all the three ground wires are just touching eachother - is there anywhere specific i should put them?

Thanks in advance, Tasuit.


Do you have the circuit in the enclosure yet?
A picture might help us further.

Otherwise I always use TonePad's wiring schemes:
Check them out and compare with what you have.
I like Big Muffs! and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny...


Thank you, I will try that wiring when i get home.
I found out that one of the transistors were turned the wrong way, but that didnt fix it. So i'm hoping it is the ground that is the problem. I will post pictures when i get home.
I also measured the transistors and the voltages seemed right except in Q2 - All voltages were around 6.18. Havent measured after i turned it the right way though.

The emitter of Q2 goes to R11, The base goes to R9 and to the emitter of Q1 and the collector R8, right?
The emitter of Q1 goes to the base of Q2, The base goes to C3 and the collector goes to the R3 potentiometer. Is that the correct wiring?


Can you post the voltages of the trannies?  How to do this is outlined in the debug thread: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=29816.0  (Compulsory reading!!!  :D)

Which transistors did you use?  Did you buy a "Fuzz Factory pair"?  The reason I ask is that the circuit sounds and works best with Q2 (Q3 in your layout) hfe around 70 and Q3 (Q1 in your layout) around 110.  I don't see that mentioned on the French page.

This might help with the pinout if you used AC128s.

Actually looking at the layout further and going by the above link I think both transistor pinouts are wrong.

Quote from: Tasuit on January 27, 2012, 02:09:23 AM
The emitter of Q2 goes to R11, The base goes to R9 and to the emitter of Q1 and the collector R8, right?
Q2 emmiter should go to the comp pot (R3).  So spin it around.

Quote from: Tasuit on January 27, 2012, 02:09:23 AM
The emitter of Q1 goes to the base of Q2, The base goes to C3 and the collector goes to the R3 potentiometer. Is that the correct wiring?
This one also needs to spin around - Emitter should go to the comp pot (R3) as well.

I like Big Muffs! and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny...


Could you please write where I should wire the CBE of each transistor then?

i tried this, but its lacking the R8 ressistance i had in the circuit before, so im waiting with wiring it:
E -> R3
B -> C3
R9 -> C - > B of Q2

E -> R3
B -> C of Q1
C -> R11


^ Is that the correct wiring diagram?


As luck would have it the French page seems to be offline at the moment   ::) 
But what you have listed sounds correct.
I like Big Muffs! and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny...


Yeah I got it working. The case itself had to be grounded too.
I'm having some problems with a bad ground, but ill figure that one out.

One thing i dont get though: the only pot that does anything is the Comp pot, i can get some pretty funky tones with that. Drive and Gate dont do anything at all.
Again, I used the french diagram.

Here is my transsistor voltages:


EDIT: I think i wired all the pots the wrong way around. After some days of reading, i still couldnt figure out why all other diagrams showed the pots wired opposite. I'm going to try that tonight, I'll let you know if it worked!