Are EHX Frequency Analyzer and Maestro Ring Modulator very different?

Started by gigimarga, February 02, 2012, 10:36:09 AM

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Hello all,

I've just finished a clone of an EHX Frequency Analyzer and a clone of a Maestro Ring Modulator. Both of them works good and it seems to me to sound almost identically. As I saw, the pots seems to do almost the same things. EHX doesn't have a volume pot, but has a much more useful Fine Tuning pot (anyway, I think that this pot can be added to Maestro, too). The using of some external pedal expressions it's a nice feature in the Maestro unit seems interresting, but I have no pedal expression right now.

After looking at the schematics, it seems to have, as I expected, the same blocks.

So, my question is if there are some remarkable differences between the units or not? To have 2 ring modulators seems too much for me :)

Thank you all!