"Triple Cobra" Splitter Design

Started by liquids, February 06, 2012, 05:48:37 PM

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I'm upgrading my input buffer...to become a op-amp 'splitter' of sorts.  I've read this thread for reference: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=86766.msg727451#msg727451

But looking at the schematic below by Jack has raised a few questions, and it's a good reference for what I am currently intending.  This is the schematic I am referencing:

Some Questions:
1) are there any reasons to avoid tapping directly off the output of U1A to another output jack?  

2) Are R5/R6/R7 doing anything useful and helping isolate things, unnecessary, or?

3) Is it the same, better, or worse to put R8/R9/R10 AFTER their respective caps, rather than before the cap, as shown?  The former is how i'd do it, but maybe this is better, or an inconsequential difference?

4) Why not add "pull-down resistors" after C4/C5/C6 - the assumption is that the following devices will have some resistor to ground, but why assume, no?

5) And lastly, if one were to use u1B to drive two separate output jacks/sources, is it best to give each output it's own output cap and resistor, or is one output cap and two separate 'isolation' (1k) resistors better, or two separate caps tapping off the op-amps output better, is there a better way yet, etc?

Breadboard it!


> This is the schematic

"...you are not allowed to download or view attachments on this board"

> tapping directly off the output of U1A to another output jack?

One guitar to one TL07x buffer.

The TL07x can drive 2K load. I assume "triple cobra" is three outputs. If each load is over 3*2K or 6K, the TL07x can drive them all. Typical guitar-chain loads are over 40K. You could drive twenty such loads.

Out of the TL07x buffer, have a 10uFd cap and a 100K drain to ground. Then put a 4.7K resistor to each output. The resistors prevent cable-loading the opamp, protect the buffer output against dead-shorts (the chip will take a short but signal would be lost; with 4.7K you can short up to two outputs and still have happy signal at the third), and gives "some" source impedance because some FX dislike low-low source impedance.


Sorry...I updated the original post with a new link; hopefully this link/image is more easily viewed: 
Breadboard it!


> reasons to avoid tapping directly off the output of U1A

No. (Within reason)

> Are R5/R6/R7 doing anything


> R8/R9/R10 AFTER their respective caps, rather than before the cap

Inconsequential. Order of parts in series does not matter.

> Why not add "pull-down resistors" after C4/C5/C6

Indeed... why not?

> is it best to give each output it's own output cap and resistor

Answered above.

One cap is fine.

Separate resistors limit trouble when cables get shorted.

ONE unit of TL07x will drive many guitar-chain loads.