AD9 Delay time pot issue

Started by CurlyMo, March 08, 2012, 10:19:08 AM

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My dad passed me his Ibanez AD-9 to look at because the delay time knob no longer changes the time. So, bad news is that he can't change the echo but good news is that it is stuck in the last setting he was using...knob at around 2/3 'o clock when operational. He would however prefer to have the ability to change the times. I've only ever built a few bypass boxes, rangemasters, fuzz faces, and mini-boosters and only successfully because I can follow directions (read: no electronics experience/knowledge). I do have some spare pots laying around (have checked all the connections inside and they all look good but I haven't checked the pot value yet to see if I have a comparable one) and was going to try to switch it out to see if that would fix it. I'm not convinced that this is the issue and was wondering where I should start troubleshooting this issue.



What I was able to obtain thanks to Google..... that wonderful thing!  ;D

1) The Delay TIME pot appears to be a 10KC. That is REVERSE LOG.

2) It appears that there is a 2K trim pot in series with the TIME pot. The trimmer is on the PCB.

My advice to you would be to First, measure the total resistance of the Delay TIME pot to ensure that it is 10K. Second, make sure there is no visible problem with the pot or it's wiring (on the pot and on the board). Third, if those all look good... try adjusting the trimmer (BE SURE TO MARK ITS ORIGINAL POSITION BEFORE ATTEMPTING THIS!!!) and see if that gets you more control from the Delay TIME pot.

Good Luck  ;D

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