pots oscillation issue ?

Started by hazefuzz, March 31, 2012, 05:38:09 PM

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  2 of my last project have this weird problem,

1-  the problem is when the pot is all the way down (lets say 0), of course I didnt hear my guitar signal, but I hear some noise, like hum, sizzling and crackling.
but when the pot is more than 0 (1 to 9), there is no hum noise,

2-  the second is the samething but when the put is at max (10), I hear something like oscillation, and the guitar signal is almost not heard,

the 2 projects are lowrider from madbean and a kind fuzzface,

Could it be just a broken pot, I don't have others to test but maybe, or it's more a problem with the pcb (bad connection or something like that)

So if you have anwser, would be very nice,

I'm french, sorry for mistakes


Pots don't hum, hiss (much, at least) or oscillate (at all). It's a problem with the projects, possibly grounding or power bypassing, or wiring.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.