wah output buffer.

Started by disabled_shredder, May 14, 2012, 03:10:35 PM

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i am searching for an ic based or transistor based output buffer that i can put in my wah i have mpf 102 or j201s can someone send me a link with an output buffer and possiblly a wiring diagram. every link i have clicked on has been a dead end. im desperate but not really i appreciate the help.
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


hey brother,
i tried all the buffers on the internet. not a single one did what people claim it does...ie, if before a fuzz, it just washes out and doesn't really wah.

what kind of wah is it? if it's a crybaby, it may already have (a) buffer(s) in it.

that said, the best "fix" i found was to simply add a 50k pot in series with the output of the board, wired before the switch... you can even put it on a switch if you want, so it's out of the circuit
if you don't need it.

but...anyways...the 50k pot is a high enough load where you can dial in a good sweet spot where your wah and dirt pedals make sweet love, but won't f up your tone, or add any noise or crap.

i tried all the buffers...anderton's, various jfet and fet's, 2n- - - -'s, you name it...and none worked the way i see peeps claim, but the resistance did the trick...didn't change my tone, and made it so i can make the wah interact well before or after dirt.

i know some will disagree, ymmv, but i think alot of folks will believe anything they see on the net.

ask joe gagan, or rg keen, or mark hammer or paul or some of the other old timers...they'll probably say i'm full of poo, but ..... try it. save yourself building a bunch of crap ya don't need.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


It's a passive buffer.  ;D <shrug>

I found out that my Scrynth circuit and my Sewer Pipes don't play well together, but on a whim I tried some resistance and it diminished the reaction between the two. I was able to dial in a kind of resonant whine that sounded awesome (and a bit annoying... needed a gate).

I've noticed that lots of vintage and simple distortions rely on a lower impedance to suck down the tone of the guitar, kind of a pre-filter. If you put resistance after the wah, it keeps the low input impedance of the distortion from sucking tone. Resistance in front of the distortion, however, will cut some volume, so the 50k pot trick sounds good to get in that balance area where you aren't stealing too much signal from the input of the distortion, but you aren't loading down the output of the wah. Simple, and "if it works..."  ;D
Give a man Fuzz, and he'll jam for a day... teach a man how to make a Fuzz and he'll never jam again!



i personally have never had an oscillation problem but i know that ppl will ask me for them. i saw one. and also on the byoc wah kit they have an output buffer. i wish i could figure out how to isolate it and build it on perf board but im too dumb to read schematics. even though i build custom effects and do mods and repairs locally and abroad. weird huh. anyway just wanted to have an output buffer layout and wiring schem on hand for the genius that demands it. and the 50 k pot issue could someone upload a photo of that because i would love to try that on one of my wahs. also i have a 1990 dunlop original crybaby and a 2003 rev h i think stock crybaby that i have done true bypass to both and circuit mods to. but back to the output buffer. if if anyone knows where one is could you link me to it pls. i know they are pointless but i get requests for it from time to time and i hate to turn down a job because i cant do it. anyway thanks guys and keep on building. 
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


Quote from: disabled_shredder on May 14, 2012, 08:25:21 PM
i personally have never had an oscillation problem but i know that ppl will ask me for them. i saw one. and also on the byoc wah kit they have an output buffer. i wish i could figure out how to isolate it and build it on perf board but im too dumb to read schematics. even though i build custom effects and do mods and repairs locally and abroad. weird huh. anyway just wanted to have an output buffer layout and wiring schem on hand for the genius that demands it. and the 50 k pot issue could someone upload a photo of that because i would love to try that on one of my wahs. also i have a 1990 dunlop original crybaby and a 2003 rev h i think stock crybaby that i have done true bypass to both and circuit mods to. but back to the output buffer. if if anyone knows where one is could you link me to it pls. i know they are pointless but i get requests for it from time to time and i hate to turn down a job because i cant do it. anyway thanks guys and keep on building. 

weird? naaaah...maybe lazy...   ::)

ummm...if you can't read schematics....

never mind.

here ya go:

the wire colors do not necessarily have anything to do with the colours inside the crybaby. you'll have to figure it out...it's not rocket science. :icon_mrgreen: :icon_eek:

now...as for a buffer.....

use the search function, or google. there are a gazillion buffers out there, there's stripboards, pcbs, you name it. a buffer is a buffer pretty much, all it is  is a unity gain (1:1) amplifier.

not to be a rude douche, but... did you even try looking for one?

sorry if i'm outta line here, but.....if you build custom effects and repair stuff here and abroad, and can't find a buffer, or understand even how to put one together from a schematic, or layout...

nevermind. peace.   :icon_mrgreen:
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


im google retarted. my hands work but my google skills are autistic. i have found a few and i can wire the thing in on my own buy why not get a wiring schem. makes not thinking possible. i know its lazy but it also gives me a reference so i do not accidentally solder a wire in the wrong place and then have to unsolder and resolder. you can respect that i hope. and i i have found about 3 different buffers since i posted this. and your not out of line im dince sometimes and i would rather ask where something is than look for it because it saves time in my mind. terrible thinking i know. but i do appreciate the pot diagram im gonna wire that in in the morning and also try a buffer or two. i actually got some crazy squeals for the first time today. guess i should have never brought it up. anyway most of the buffer issues now are that i dont have the right transistors on hand and i refuse to pay 3 dollars in shipping for a less than 1 dollar part. anyway thanks for all your help. and so far i have never had to read a schematic to understand how something works or build something. but its like a math equation to me with one set of numbers i get it but give me a second set and im screwed. anyway i make decent with what i do and im working on learning reading schematics. and without a war being started. i hope the point of these message boards is to trade and share information and learn from each other. negativity is a bad thing and you do speak of karma. and for alot of it i got dead ends with links for buffers. that was the issue i know how to use a search function here.  have a good one man
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


ummmm...no offense intended dude

here's some brain death for ya

i forget if # 2 is right, it should be, it's the same thing as in number one (the first one is stereo)

here's the thing...you're gonna get a lot more response if you're real than implying you build and modify stuff for people all over the world, yet can't even read a schematic, or find any buffer circuits on the internet.

i mean...type "buffer circuit" into google, and ya get about 177,000 results.

do an image search, 21,800 results.

you're not gonna learn anything expecting people to do stuff for you. it's fine to ask questions, or ask for help and all...and yes, this is supposed to be about helping each other, i'm pretty much a newb too...

but too lazy to even search for stuff? you're not gonna win a lot of friends here with that kinda attitude, brother. usually when we see this kinda response, it's someone who figures they'll make some bank copying someone else's work, and claiming it to be your own.

not saying that's you...but the attitude is similar. i don't see a lot of response here from any of the guys that really know their stuff, usually a quiet way of saying SEARCH FUNCTION...

just sayin' yo...

buffer circuits:


buffers vero


buffers perfboard


happy searching brother. do yourself a favor...be REAL. peace.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


fwiw, if you change the 10k resistor on the second vero layout to a 10k pot, and socket the transistor, you can put pretty much ANY npn transistor in there. i chose 2n3904's cuz they're pretty universal and easy to find.
the 10k resistor will let you bias the transistor, and act as a "volume" control. you are looking for unity gain, but with the trim pot (or an actual pot) you can boost as well.

you can use pretty much any npn....even some n-channel jfets will probably work.

r2 can be anywhere from 470k to 500...close enough. you can use a 470k and a 47k resistor in series...more than close enough. or use a 500k pot.

input and output caps can be played with too...

pretty much anything you have laying around will work...the smaller the cap, the less bass frequencies will come thru. try maybe .01 on the input, and .1 on the output. it's pretty forgiving.
good luck man.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


i appreciate all the help. i found and built 2 buffer circuits just when i went looking on message boards i get dead ends. i dont hack ppls work thats stealing and scuzzy. but you how many schems do you find that dont come with a layout. and i can read schems to a degree like i have aquired 2 dead wahs i can look at the schems and trace the circuit. i dont understand voltage drop or leveling but i have friends that give me that advice. but i do have my own circuits ive built with help from my pops. he has 2 engineering degrees and circuits are his thing. i guess i came off on the wrong foot with my questions. but wanting to not hit a dead end was the main point but i found plenty i guess i just didnt make the connections. so in reality i can read a schem to follow the circuit and if its somewhat simple i can even build from the schem but i couldnt do a major circuit with just a schem and perfboard. wont even tell a lie as if i can. but doing true bypass and circuit mods on wahs for ppl and building overdrives and booster circuits are easy and i can do that ok. and i dont do this but marshall took a fender amp and added a few caps and they went in business. its crazy and egnator i forget who they hack but they are ripping someone off terribly. but im not trying to say im rg keen or analog man. im just a disabled war vet that is trying to make a few dollars bc the va disability doesnt cover all and i cant walk because of my injuries. im not trying to make a million or be mr dumble. i just want to build circuits help out local musicians and build myself some quality pedals wo tossing out coin i dont have. im sure im like all of you. and yea im a beginner if you will. i started out with the paint by numbers from tonepad or ggg and started tinkering with my own ideas with friends and family till i hit something cool. and like i said i am google retarted and most of the time i hit a dead end or i dont have 1 or 2 parts needed to build the circuit and i wont pay more in shipping than in parts. so thats where i ask for other circuits i cant find. and alot of the time i find that ppl get on youtube and show they have the output buffer but never link the site or share the knowledge. but as i go i will learn and its because of ppl like you that i will get better because you dont stick your nose up in the air and you share the wealth. thats what this community is about. and i dont expect ppl to do my work but sharing the info is key to thriving. if einstein or grahm bell never shared we would be stuck a ways back. anyway im sorry to come off as a douche and say that "im some hotshot pedal guru" if thats how it comes. im just a guy trying to help out friends and lessen my effects bill and maybe learn a few things on the way. oh and i have never messed with vero board or seen it in person how does that stuff work i see they layout and get the idea but connections and such. how do you know? i mean if there is q1 c1 r1,r2 so on and so forth how do you know the soldering. like connecting q1 to c1 r1 so on and so forth. that would be cool to learn but you dont have to answer that. i work with perf board or etch my own boards. im still learning and that will come in time. but i think you for your guys help and tuff love. as i told my troopers you cant hold someones hand and fire the weapon. that wont keep you alive. just get out there and put the rounds down range. haha. ok im gonna stop typing and get to soldering. thank you very much again and i will be glad to post some pics of my work for the community. and that is what i was looking for i had been searching for that buffer forever. have a good day guys. 
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow

Ben N

Man, that's hard to read!  :o


hey brother,
no worries...welcome home, and thank you for your service.

aron here maintains a store, but if you're strapped (i live on a disability check too, it doesn't pay the bills, but thankfully i can gig enough to just make it) then check out taydaelectronics.com you can get shit there REALLY cheap without getting raped on shipping, either.

do you have a breadboard to experiment on? if not, please let me know, see if i can maybe help out a little.

the wah buffer you posted is one of the ones i built. didn't do sh*t.

the stereo buffer i put up for you is in actuallity two side by side electro harmonix lpb 1's ...add a volume pot to a buffer, and it's basically the same thing. ;)

sorry about the tude earlier bro,  sometimes we get people that just want a free ride...you're here to learn, we got off on the wrong foot, and i apologize...i figured either you were young, or arrogant...
now i know you're young and having a tough time.. so i apologize for being a d*ck.

anything i can do to help, let me know....i think you've got the basics of the schematic thing down, the more you work with it, the easier it will get.

if you need help with a perfboard layout for the buffer you posted, hollah back and i'll try and work one up for you...i'm a veroboard guy by nature, but i can do a perf layout too i would imagine.

have you heard about diylayoutcreator? it's a groovy little program to work up layouts for perf, vero, even pcb's, and you can even check to the circuit integrity:


fwiw, i like the older version a bit better...but...

anyways, like i said, thanks for your service, and welcome home brother....and props on taking the plunge into the diy world. i can think of no more rewarding hobby than making your own stuff, learning by doing, and being able to hook up your friends.

bright blessings and healing vibes to you sir!!

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


Quote from: disabled_shredder on May 15, 2012, 01:33:15 PM
i appreciate all the help. i found and built 2 buffer circuits just when i went looking on message boards i get dead ends. i dont hack ppls work thats stealing and scuzzy. but you how many schems do you find that dont come with a layout. and i can read schems to a degree like i have aquired 2 dead wahs i can look at the schems and trace the circuit. i dont understand voltage drop or leveling but i have friends that give me that advice. but i do have my own circuits ive built with help from my pops. he has 2 engineering degrees and circuits are his thing. i guess i came off on the wrong foot with my questions. but wanting to not hit a dead end was the main point but i found plenty i guess i just didnt make the connections. so in reality i can read a schem to follow the circuit and if its somewhat simple i can even build from the schem but i couldnt do a major circuit with just a schem and perfboard. wont even tell a lie as if i can. but doing true bypass and circuit mods on wahs for ppl and building overdrives and booster circuits are easy and i can do that ok. and i dont do this but marshall took a fender amp and added a few caps and they went in business. its crazy and egnator i forget who they hack but they are ripping someone off terribly. but im not trying to say im rg keen or analog man. im just a disabled war vet that is trying to make a few dollars bc the va disability doesnt cover all and i cant walk because of my injuries. im not trying to make a million or be mr dumble. i just want to build circuits help out local musicians and build myself some quality pedals wo tossing out coin i dont have. im sure im like all of you. and yea im a beginner if you will. i started out with the paint by numbers from tonepad or ggg and started tinkering with my own ideas with friends and family till i hit something cool. and like i said i am google retarted and most of the time i hit a dead end or i dont have 1 or 2 parts needed to build the circuit and i wont pay more in shipping than in parts. so thats where i ask for other circuits i cant find. and alot of the time i find that ppl get on youtube and show they have the output buffer but never link the site or share the knowledge. but as i go i will learn and its because of ppl like you that i will get better because you dont stick your nose up in the air and you share the wealth. thats what this community is about. and i dont expect ppl to do my work but sharing the info is key to thriving. if einstein or grahm bell never shared we would be stuck a ways back. anyway im sorry to come off as a douche and say that "im some hotshot pedal guru" if thats how it comes. im just a guy trying to help out friends and lessen my effects bill and maybe learn a few things on the way. oh and i have never messed with vero board or seen it in person how does that stuff work i see they layout and get the idea but connections and such. how do you know? i mean if there is q1 c1 r1,r2 so on and so forth how do you know the soldering. like connecting q1 to c1 r1 so on and so forth. that would be cool to learn but you dont have to answer that. i work with perf board or etch my own boards. im still learning and that will come in time. but i think you for your guys help and tuff love. as i told my troopers you cant hold someones hand and fire the weapon. that wont keep you alive. just get out there and put the rounds down range. haha. ok im gonna stop typing and get to soldering. thank you very much again and i will be glad to post some pics of my work for the community. and that is what i was looking for i had been searching for that buffer forever. have a good day guys.  

That buffer from Fuzz Central is the one I was going to suggest.  If you didn't see the complete pages it came from, search for the Fuzz Central site and look under the "Clyde McCoy Wah" section, it not only has the complete instructions for modding a wah to vintage Vox specs, it also has the instructions and parts list (including parts numbers from Mouser) for the mods and the buffer.  The trimmer allows you to set the output volume of the pedal.



here ya go bro....

you may be able to make it a little smaller, figured this gives a little leeway for part sizes. you're gonna want a non polarized cap for c2 ...if you've only got polarized caps that big, put the plus side towards the source
of the transistor.

hope this helps ya out man...peace

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


hey man no worries. i agree you got to weed out the non hackers and a holes. im not old or young im in my late 20s not that that matters and yeah i saw the whole page for that buffer. the problem was either dead end or incomplete info. my biggest issue is how they talk of wah2 and wah 3 line where the heck is that coming from the pot? im working on a gcb-95 2003 rev h i think and a 1990 origional crybaby rev e. both i have done true bypass and with the the gcb95 rev h i switched out the stransistors to 5088s and pulled out the input buffer and did some circuit mods. i did the same to the rev e board but didnt have an input buffer. and i have a breadboard but man ive gone step by step with small bears walk through and beavis audios walk through and i cant make that thing work. i do best when i just draw my own pcb on copper or transfer from pnp and etch then start modding values of caps and resistors and such till i have the pedal i like. i guess that kind of hacks some work but when i finish they are never close to the original. also i have the diy layout creator. man you are right i do love that thing. and actually ggg has 2 buffers an ic and a transistor based but both are boxed on there own. i think there cool but i cant transition them into a wah. once again the input from wah 3. what does that mean for a crybaby. is that off the pot or the board. and with the twin lpb1s if you do that on your own in a box you can drive one into the other and make some serious crunch i did that after reading about it on one of the million sites. anyways thanks again guys. also the philip bryants wah buffer is looking like the same as the circuit i posted just for perf. it has the same values at least. also thanks for the parts site. i usually use mouser or byoc for parts and pedal parts plus or small bear for enclosures. they arent to bad just cant afford 100 orders i can only usually afford to buy parts as i need them which is one here and there. but hey thats the way the world turns. and it was my pleasure to serve! but its nice to b thanked every now and again. so if someone could clue me in where wah 3 is coming from in reference to a crybaby i can wire this thing up and hit some sonic space by bed time.

all aside has any one red the geo fx write up on the wah. they mention an audio transformer in there but i dont make a connection on how it would wire up or.... i have the transformer and im ecting a twin inductor board and would love to throw that transformer on it and see what i can do.

also i build a phase 45 and threw it in a wah shell. totally a cool project ill post pics. i used wood as the tread instead of rubber. and covered the wah with paisley fabric and laquered it and clear coated it. looks out there. totally proud of that venture thought i would share it for anyone who cares.
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


ok i think i got it wah 3 is the circuit output wire if on a dpdt that would b the blue wire or circuit output wire wire that into point 2 on the buffer i posted and 4 goes where the blue wire went. then viola you have the buffer hooked up with respect 2 the 9v and grounds. someone correct me if im wrong
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


hey bro, i gotta gig so can only rap a minute...wah 3 is the output of the board, whatever goes to the switch from the pcb after the true bypass. ya just take the wire off the switch, put it to the input of the buffer, then take the output of the buffer back to tthe switch connection you just undid...

more later...

peace my friend

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


i have true bypassed and modded the gcb-95 rev h but i cant find a schem or anything that leads me to know where the resistors and caps to switch out are on my 1990 rev e original crybaby. can someone lead me in the right direction. i really want to swap out some resistors but i cant even find a good schem. can someone just link me up. and also i got 2 buffers built and ready to be wired in but i gotta kill out because of an early appt. thanks in advance. and for the record i spent about 30 mins on google and didnt find what i was looking for i can find how to true bypass but thats done. and i now the resistor values and what to put in them well in my case im putting in trimmers. but i dont know where they are located on the board so if someone could send a schem or a pic of the board with arrows that say hey dumb dumb desolder here i would love it. peace
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


here ya go bro, read these:




the last link is for your rev e f g crybaby gcb 95's.

should get ya in the ballpark.

the perfboard layout i uploaded is indeed for the wah buffer schem you uploaded.

what the hell's your REAL name?

easier to talk to that way....i'm jimi. peace!!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


i have all those sites saved and i dont think i have found what i am looking for there but i will look again. its the rev e board with the 3904s on it. everything is laid out side by side. and my name is jake. but alot of ppl in the music industry call me the guy. i guess maybe bc i look kinda like a jeff bridges and because i learn music by watching so i can learn a whole set in about a day making me the perfect fill in guy. cant read music. can read tabs and cant play by ear. guess that was tmi. anyway i really appreciate all the help jimi and im glad we didnt stay on the hate train. haha. you have been a big help and that means alot because people for some reason try and guard their secrets. when i learn something i try and tell everyone. im glad you subscribe to the latter. anyway take care.
The wild man with a loaded gun and no plan. I'm not held back by rules, just don't know which ones to follow


life is too short to hate, jake.

some folks call me jake, too...been a long time. ;)

the rev e crybaby pictures are in that second link from crybaby.uk or whatever, it has the different boards there, shows which resistors to change etc.

anything i can do to help, open book here brother. i come from a long line of marines, and even tho i'm not one myself, i gotta lotta respect for the men and
women who put themselves in harms way to protect MY right to be an a$$hole! ;)

hit me up anytime, my friend....and if ya get stuck, let me know, and i'll try to help ya find the way thru to what you need. deal?

be well, jake!!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr