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Started by artifus, July 02, 2012, 09:40:51 PM

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just found a couple of old photos on the hard drive. here's my valvecaster build from last summer.

i have a few other wooden box cork knob builds, i should really dust off the old camera and contribute more.

let's see your wood!


Wow, really nice.
Any chance of some gut shots ?


it ain't pretty, but i'll see what i can do. that middle cork is actually on a defunct toggle switch, just a place holder for what was gonna be the tone control pot but after hearing it as is and reading others reports i decided not to bother, hence the spare cap on the board. may try it one day.

*for pyro*

q&d phone pic


Is that an old dominos box ? Very nice,  but I'm still not showing you my wood   :o


close. pencil cases. lofi spring reverb driver and springs:

simple 386 circuit, dc motor drivers and piezo pick ups.


now with sound!

ho hum. lovely ground loop but thought it only honest to include as i would do it all very differently if i were to do it again. hum easily avoided by running spring out via valvecaster or high imp (tall dwarf?  :P) jfet buffer before mixer. totally unsuitable for live use but fun for recording/mixing with. piezos are not fixed and can be moved around the cigar box to taste, phase 'em up or split 'em for stereo. little 'uns is what they is but slight sonic adjustment available via nuts for height/distance. shoulda done some guitar but didn't fink to.

*dc motors nabbed from old mobile phones and springs from 'echo mic' kiddie toy*

John Lyons

Cool vibe with deh springs!
Basic Audio Pedals


once i was gonna make a bunch of fuzzez to give to my musician friends...
was planning to go er... inexpensively as possible.
got some 2x4's cut them up into semi 'hammond' size, then routed em out in the middle...
used some linolium floor tiles for the backs... well, i never really made them.
:-\ so no pic. but i thought and still think wood is a great option for stompers!

nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


I'll show you my wood, but only if you'll tell me if I can use the "image" button for local files, or do they need to be somewhere "in the cloud"?

and I don't have attach as an option. please pardon my newness here.

I go.
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


Yep, you use the "image" button with a URL, so your picture does indeed need to live somewhere in netland.
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


I was just thinking about trying this the other day. Those look great! My concern was the lack of metal shielding---have any of you had any problems with noise because of that? I guess it would be easy to foil line the inside.


well, that strikes me as being not very workable. if I want to post a circuit, I have to put it on some other site, somewhere, just so I can put it here as well?

the internet baffles me.
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


That's just the way it is I'm afraid. Some forums allow you to add images and other attachments directly but that means the forum owner has to pay for the space to store these and probably for the extra data costs of people viewing/downloading them. Theres plenty of free image hosting services out there, you can even use Facebook and twitter if you use them or you might have some free webspace from your internet provider.


artifus man, that piezo spring verb sounds so cool. just curious what the knobs are doing, one sounds like a low pass/trble cut knob, is the other one a level IN?
as in level of signal hitting the springs? so im guessing an output volume cntrl or level out, a level in, treble cut and whats the last knob? is it a level in for another piezo, for stereo?
sounds great whatever they are, very lush and cavey! and not too harsh or too short/too long. nice!
i guess i missed the vid first time around, but i'm surprised how good it sounds with just a piezo driver and some springs in a cigar box. very cool.

nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


Quote from: Quackzed on December 14, 2012, 05:53:24 PM
artifus man, that piezo spring verb sounds so cool. just curious what the knobs are doing, one sounds like a low pass/trble cut knob, is the other one a level IN?
as in level of signal hitting the springs? so im guessing an output volume cntrl or level out, a level in, treble cut and whats the last knob? is it a level in for another piezo, for stereo?
sounds great whatever they are, very lush and cavey! and not too harsh or too short/too long. nice!
i guess i missed the vid first time around, but i'm surprised how good it sounds with just a piezo driver and some springs in a cigar box. very cool.

excuse the late response - been away, just catching up. if i were to do this again i would do it very differently but it is basically this:

so yeah, 386 to 386 with crude lpf and hpf. could do with some buffers. that ground loop buzz and hum is annoying in the vid. it is easily cured. i was lazy at the time.

*edit* sorry - from left to right (if memory serves...) input, hpf, lpf and 'mix' i think. it's very crude. regarding stereo - it's mono. the video has the drum machine direct out panned hard left and the verb out panned hard right. it is possible to have 'stereo' output with two pzo's. this was just some lofi fun one sunday afternoon.


I was thinking of building a massive Fuzz Face out of oversized components and a wood box the size of a shoebox. Maybe just a dumb idea. I have some amp sized caps and could use some Russian GE 402 big nipple transistors that I've always had success with. Would have to buy some 1w  or larger resistors I guess. Build it on some of the larger terminal strips I have. I have lots of thick wire to use.

But really I don't know if I can find some workable parts to scale. Like pots. Vintage stuff. Keeping an eye out of stuff that would work.


here we see a tree-o of woods; two semi-acoustics and a solid body. purple is gus' no knob lead, white is an electra with warp instead of volume, puke-yellow is a silicon fuzz face, pre gain and volume.

anyone old enough to remember my 'how to bend' thread will be glad to know that the method works, as these are the first 3 completed-to-photo pedals using the methods featured. some improvements/refinements needed, but workable and presentable.
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


You beaut. They look bonza.
Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.