Improved EA Tremolo Transistor Pinouts

Started by caprotesta, July 20, 2012, 02:55:03 PM

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Hello all,

Working on the GGG Improved EA Tremolo build. I've breadboarding the project, and it's not working. I think the trouble lies in the pinouts of the transistors. After reviewing the datasheets and the schematic, here's what I've come up with for what wire goes where (sorry, I don't have attachment rights, so I can't attach images of the pinouts).

Q1 (2N3904)

I've built many pedals successfully before, but this one's giving me fits. What's more annoying to me is that just about everybody says that this is a simple build. I must be missing something very obvious!

Mark Hammer

As I keep reminding people, you'd think that with only 3 pins, the number of possible pinouts would be severely limited.  But there are 827 possible pinouts for those 3 pins.  I know.  It surprised me too.  :icon_wink: