DR. Boogie.... Check!

Started by imzuker, July 24, 2012, 03:06:50 AM

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Finally after a long long time i've got the Dr.boogie Working! my first project is almost complete because i have this huge problem...
It Doesn't sound like a distortion it sounds more like sweet nice overdrive. so... what's the problem?
(anyway im going to replace the pots because i think some of the aren't working right and the trimmers)



yeah thats not right...it should be kicking high gain chunky metal mutha ass.. :icon_twisted:

did you set your trims to be 4.5-5v?...ish

did you use j201's?....which circuit/layout did you use?..

i get mine in the 4.5-5v  ballpark....but saying that i end up ''biasing'' by ear..


chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


I set them all to 5.4-5.3 and then by ear but it doen't get any heavier :(
http://gaussmarkov.net/layouts/drboo/drboo-project.pdf this is the circuit
and i am using the J201 transistors.
maybe if i change the trimmers it will change?


i would check your gain pot....turn your guitar right up....and the gain pot...and tweak those trimmers again

if your (100k) trimmers are adjusting the voltages, they should  be ok....

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Where did u get the j201's from? I've recentley build a boogie with j201's from tayda, it sounded nothing like my other boogies, also mild overdrive and no sustain what so ever.

Nothing bad to say about tayda btw, they maybe just got hold of a bad batch


I got my j201 from ebay and if changing the trimmers and pots won't work i'll change the transistors too but what is a good place to buy them?

They don't sell it anywhere in Israel so i have to buy it from the internet.


 Well if they look like these: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=97600.0 and they are from Ebay from one of the Chinese suppliers, that could be part of the problem
(or the whole problem)


Wow man thanks they look just like the ones on the left... damn Chinese.
So where can i get the good ones for a fair price?


this guy here seems alright ;)


seriously, they are legit.

i bought some of those chinese ones and made a boogie. worked. though the gain was shrill and very saturated, not nice. so they weren't usable. opposite problem to what's going on here though it seems? made boogies before with normal j201 and no problem though.
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


dr boogey doesn't sound like a Mesa boogie  anyway, a good distortion stompbox at best  !   having both  dr boogey and rectifier ! :icon_frown:



trust no one.

smallbear get props around here and i've read good reports of the others but have no personal experience of any.

trust in yourself.

*useless post #3567*


I Guess the question is ...
where do they send it faster?


which begs the questions... where are you? where are they? what are their delivery options? what is the postal service like? is it raining? how high is the moon? should i get a hair cut next tuesday? what's for dinner? are we nearly there yet? do they have any info on their website? do you like orange? i like orange. its a nice colour. i like purple too. what was the question?



Quote from: PetMan on July 24, 2012, 04:20:05 AM
dr boogey doesn't sound like a Mesa boogie  anyway, a good distortion stompbox at best  !   having both  dr boogey and rectifier ! :icon_frown:

I've got a dual and the Boogeys I've built all nail the tone. Every amp, even within the same model, is going to sound a little different due to component tolerances. And every pedal is going to sound a little different. But my Boogeys have all got the same kind of distortion as the real thing and you probably couldn't tell the difference in a full band setting.
Nyt brenhin gwir, gwr y mae reit idaw dywedut 'y brenhin wyf i'.



chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


I bought J201's from mammoth they sounded great..same day shipping..quick delivery..good prices..china=headaches


By the way i wanna add a DPDT switch to make a bypass but i want it to stop the battery when its not used so how do i wire it?

i though of something like that:

jumper from F to E
In Jack to D
Out Jack to C
Effect In to B
Effect Out to A

will it work? and will it kill the battery when the effect is in bypass mod?


*ahem*. let me be the first since nobody jumped in.

disconnecting the battery will be a bad idea because it means you'll need to reconnect it when the effect is engaged. that will be noisy.
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


but then i will have to change battery every week, and if i just do what i suggested will it be okay?