Do your components speak to you?

Started by RandomGlitch, July 25, 2012, 12:27:33 AM

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Was rummaging around in my big box of components kindly donated by my Bro-in-law who no longer needs them.

I really should sort them out, they are just in a huge mess.  Anyway found a pack of transistors that I hadn't seen before, some of them are BC558's.

Now I've been looking at Fuzz Factory schematics for the past week or so, and it seems that these trannies can be used in place of the specified AC128's, which I can't find here in Australia.

It's as if they are saying "use us", "make us into a silicon Fuzz Factory" in cute little voices.  ;D

Do your components ever speak to you like this? And are they correct in saying they will work in the Fuzz Face circuit?  I've read that they will work, but has anyone here actually done it? How were the results?




they dont talk to me, though some transistors scream when i burn their feet with my soldering iron...
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


He's Australian.  Of course he's crazy.  

Fellow aussie here ;)

So to answer your question, no my components do not talk to me.  I have a few components that i have tortured as a warning to the others.  The voices have now stopped.

Pedal Parts Shop                Youtube

Mike Burgundy

Nurse! They're out again....

BC558 = PNP general purpose Si, so you can build an Si FF with them.

R O Tiree

Mine don't speak to me... when I've made them into something nice, they sometimes sing, though... fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...


... I'd like to teach
The part to sing,
In perrrrfect harmonyyyyy,...

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

Mark Hammer

Mine don't speak, they taunt and harangue.  Two drawers of germanium transistors and another drawer of power-amp chips say "You putz!  I'm sitting here wasting my life while you ignore me!  I could have been bought by one of those other 25883 forum members and given a productive life, but had to buy me!  I don't even care if they would have hooked me up wrong and cut my life short.  Anything would have been better than sitting here for years, languishing while the adhesive on the label of the drawer decomposes."   The SSM chips I bought 30 years ago, and keep meaning to use, say "What, are we supposed to be like some trophy wife you keep around to show off but never touch?  Either love us, or leave us!".

The boxes, on the other hand, are patient and complimentary.  Given the right combination of holes, paint, and legending, they issue a satisfied "Hey, thanks.  That was nice.  I needed that."


Quote from: RandomGlitch on July 25, 2012, 12:27:33 AM
Do your components ever speak to you like this?
Normaly yes. That´s nothing famous...ever tried shromms?

ups, I didn´t say this! Was that little box under my table...don´t know what´s inside...

Hey Mark, do they have eyes? Show a hammer then and the jelling stops.

Dave W

My components don't speak to me until they're loaded on a PCB that's just sitting there waiting to be wired/tested/boxed.
Then it's more like screaming. Much like my ex wife. "Whenareyougoingtogetoffyourlazyassandcompletesomethingforachangeyoumiserablepieceof..."
You get the idea.  :icon_lol:
That's where it's at.


Liking the way most people seem to draw criticism from their inanimate (and unsoldered) objects!
Expressway To Yr Null


If I was my bipolar transistor, I'd be talking to me, too.
"...and weird on top!"

Paul Marossy

My parts tell me that I suck. I haven't spent any time with them for almost two years now.


Besides, I don't want them to talk to me. I want them to whimper when they see me heading for the parts  bin.

Ohhhhh Nooooooo!   :icon_lol:

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.

Mark Hammer

It ain't soldering.  It's branding time!   :icon_lol:


yeah, theyre not our cute little friends. we put them in hellish situations and take delight in the sounds of their suffering, it's really quite diabolical!
--- b.t.w mark, don't feel guilty about your unused parts... something tells me they are more than happy to relax and enjoy the gentle ebb and flow of your parts bin...
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


I won't talk about the voices.

> BC558's. ... ... seems that these trannies can be used in place of the specified AC128's

AC128 is Germanium. BC558 is Silicon.

Yes, they may be as similar as wine and beer, or wood trim versus plastic trim. I'm trimming some windows with this foam-plastic boards and it works good, but isn't the same.

Many circuits will need re-design to change from Germanium to Silicon. In this case, most of the simple Ge fuzzes *do* have similar Si counterparts readily findable.

> which I can't find here in Australia.

Small Bear has many of the odd parts used in classic effects, and will ship to essentially anywhere, and also Australia. I get stuff from 10,000 miles away fairly often, the world is getting smaller.


Quote from: RandomGlitch on July 25, 2012, 12:27:33 AM

Do your components ever speak to you like this?

my don't either! and I really wish they do... specially when you're going to pick up the wrong one... you know something like "No not me, I'm only 10k ... and you need a bigger one like 100k...... or No not me I'm old, I'm 742..... and you really need a 741 for that D+!!!!!  ;D  ;D


"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


Mine definitely talk to me. They always say the same thing: "Stop wasting us building shit that doesn't work".

I spend a good deal of time de-soldering and reclaiming them.


Quote from: R.G. on July 25, 2012, 10:06:43 AM
... I'd like to teach
The part to sing,
In perrrrfect harmonyyyyy,...

"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."