Started by Canucker, July 28, 2012, 05:33:10 PM

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I used this layout for the Atari Punk Console http://www.getlofi.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/atarilayout.gif and built the entire thing twice...the issue I have is that when I turn the pots all the way up or all the way down the sound cuts out completely. On the first one I built I have to turn it back on when it cuts out and on the second one I built I can turn the pots back up or down and the effect volume returns....so my question is...am I mental or what? The fact that I have the same flaw twice makes me think its not me but then the fact that the flaws aren't exactly identical makes me think its me again.


I built one a few years ago to use as a signal generator for my builds.

I used this exact schematic and layout. Still use it to this day.

I think the best way I can explain is to turn the knobs a very small amount at a time. The circuit isn't designed to jack the knobs back and forth full on and full off.

Turn the volume about 1/2 way up - then the other two a little at a time.

Once you get sound - start trying to move the other a pot a little at a time to "focus" the sound you're trying to get.

Leave the volume in one spot.

I know that as my battery starts to dies it becomes more difficult to find that sweet spot - so an adapter is probably recommended until you get the hang of it.

Also - if the knobs are in a spot where *you* think you're not getting any noise...your dog may be howling because thing can make some very high frequency noises ;)



aww man thats no fun....after building the first one I put it into a wah pedal case so I could go ape on it....I actually wanted to have a pedal for each of the pots so the entire band could attempt to "play it together".....I mean I don't think the thing has a sweet spot to it at all...its only fun when your going back n forth and have it plugged into a delay or have the reverb cranked to get that theremin feel.

Do you know if its harming any components when it cuts out?

Very Very Smart idea to use it as your signal to test other projects!



to limit the range put small fixed resistors in series with the pots and play with cap values. switch in same value caps in parallel for octaves.

it's an oscillator going in to a frequency divider. resistor and cap values set the frequency range of each:


pin 3 of one into pin 2 of the other. if you want a theremin feel just build half the circuit - the oscillator - for tones - or skip the first half and put your fuzzed up guitar through the second half - the frequency divider - for lofi pitch shifting/pwm. try a minimal 386 circuit. a voltage starve pot will sweep through ranges. i call it the guitari funk console. use ldr's and led's. breadboard before building.


Quote from: artifus on July 28, 2012, 09:05:47 PM

to limit the range put small fixed resistors in series with the pots and play with cap values. switch in same value caps in parallel for octaves.

it's an oscillator going in to a frequency divider. resistor and cap values set the frequency range of each:


pin 3 of one into pin 2 of the other. if you want a theremin feel just build half the circuit - the oscillator - for tones - or skip the first half and put your fuzzed up guitar through the second half - the frequency divider - for lofi pitch shifting/pwm. try a minimal 386 circuit. a voltage starve pot will sweep through ranges. i call it the guitari funk console. use ldr's and led's. breadboard before building.
I CAN PLAY THIS THING WITH MY GUITAR?!?!?!!!!! I thought about that for a split second when I first heard about this thing but after checking up enough links on this for my eyes to pop out I gave up on the idea and its been out of my mind ever since. I guess I'll have to figure it out using a 556 cus thats all I have around here...it'd be two hours driving to go check if they have 555's at the place I shop.