How accurate a resistor value must be?

Started by ppanousos, August 08, 2012, 07:22:59 AM

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If u put a 10K instead of a 9K or a 2,2M instead of a 2M would be bad for a cirquit?(pls forgive my bad english!) :icon_cool:


it's really depends on the circuit, but for many simple distortions/fuzzes, it won't matter much, if at all
always think outside the box


It entirely depends on what its for. In most cases: no, go ahead and use them :)
In plenty of old pedal you'll find that the tolerances of the components used are even as high as 10% (a silver band on the resistor). That means a 10k resistor could very well be either 9k or 11k and still be in spec, and the circuit would still work.

If the resistor is performing some kind of crucial function where it has to be exact it will usually be specified, or there will be some kind of adjustable trimmer so you can precisely set it. If you ever building any hifi stereo stuff, you often have to match pairs of resistors and capacitors so you don't end up with the right channel sounding different from the left one.


Thanks for the replies!I am talking about boosters-overdrives so i guess i am ok!!!