Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face Clone with AC-128's Ground Problem

Started by soupbone, August 10, 2012, 06:42:03 AM

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I built a Fuzz Face using Dragonfly's Layout; http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php/v/DRAGONFLY-LAYOUTS_0/album18/album151/DALLAS_ARBITER_FUZZ_FACE_GERMANIUM_PERF.gif.html  Using this wiring diagram for the carling dpdt switch ; http://fuzzcentral.ssguitar.com/faq/dpdtwiring.gif   I'm using a d.c. power jack like this; http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/PedalPower/  Is Dragonfly's layout supposed to be wired for Positve Ground?,and if so,How would you wire the d.c. jack?Thanks in advance

Mike Burgundy

The classic FuzzFace uses PNP transistors (such as AC128) and yes, it's positive ground. The layout also shows this: there are connections for -9V and ground (=+9V)
For a DC connector, swap + and -, and make damn sure you're not shorting the - to ground/chassis. Note that you can ONLY use that supply for the FuzzFace, daisychaning with negative ground pedalswill short out the supply. If you mean to leave this on a pedalboard (with a master power switch) don't bother with switching the power on via the input jack. Measure the terminals on your dc connector with a plug inserted, and wire -9V to the tip connection, and ground (+9V) to the barrel.


Quote from: Mike Burgundy on August 10, 2012, 10:29:13 AM
The classic FuzzFace uses PNP transistors (such as AC128) and yes, it's positive ground. The layout also shows this: there are connections for -9V and ground (=+9V)
For a DC connector, swap + and -, and make damn sure you're not shorting the - to ground/chassis. Note that you can ONLY use that supply for the FuzzFace, daisychaning with negative ground pedalswill short out the supply. If you mean to leave this on a pedalboard (with a master power switch) don't bother with switching the power on via the input jack. Measure the terminals on your dc connector with a plug inserted, and wire -9V to the tip connection, and ground (+9V) to the barrel.
Cool!I'll give that a shot.Thanks Mike!