new effect idea? noise/ lo fi modulation... like bad radio reception.

Started by Quackzed, August 24, 2012, 02:54:02 AM

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ok the idea is a bad radio reception sound... guitar is lo fi as well as fades in and out of static...
maybe a quasi random lfo?
blend between a noise source or a radio station band via an antenna/amp? tuneable..
you could hack a mini radio with tuning option in as a noise source...
might not even need random lfo... maybee a slow mild blend btween lo fi  bass cut grainy sound, and a hacked mini radio tuned to static...or npr...
cool? no? idk... seems like a cool intro outro type option...
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


Maybe make an fm emitter and a receiver and run a guitar signal through it. Maybe tinker with it to make it sound bad. That's probably the most logical solution

I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms.


Some time ago was that ready made fm sender hack project, like modding mp3 layer with fm sender and aux input, or why not just plug in a cable from your modelling preamp or something

Once made  simple mini super-regenerative fm receiver, it was simple and bit noisy but that distortion was sick in just right way if you tuned it bit off...


I built a modded Orange Squeezer and when I was biasing it I found a region on the trimmer where the pedal produced a hissing crackling sound that interacted with the playing and went up and down in pitch according to the trimmer.

my mod

C1 -> 22n, C6 ->1u, C7 -> 10u, R8 -> 200k, IC1 -> NE5532, D1 -> 1N34A. A lot of this was to take the treble off and restore the bass, so that's lo-fi. Not sure if it's what gave rise to the weird effect.

The weird region was at about 1.72 volts on Q2's gate.

If I was after your sound, I'd have a random LFO modulate the biasing on this circuit as it sounded pretty good.


So what you're looking for is an effect kind of like what Pink Floyd recorded. The segue between Have a cigar and Wish you were here has a Lo Fi section where they pulled out the highs and mid.

It sounds like when you're in the studio and the track is switched from the main speakers to the little reference speakers.

I'd look to some sort of LFO that switches different capacitors kind of like a phaser. Real mild phasing. And some sort of fuzz/distortion circuit that gets switched on and off in the modulation. Look to an FET design.
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


QuoteSo what you're looking for is an effect kind of like what Pink Floyd recorded. The segue between Have a cigar and Wish you were here has a Lo Fi section where they pulled out the highs and mid.

sort of. well thats half of it..  a lo fi grainy sound.. reduced bandwidth. like a small speaker does.
in the floyd segue theres that sort of sucking sound as the 'big ' sound suddenly becomes lo fi...
the other half of the equation would be to introduce some static or 'bad reception' type noise.
sort of fading in and out...
ill draw something up to get an idea of a good approach to getting there..
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


Oh, I remember an excellent device that I built by mistake... Unfortunately I didn't recorded precise information about that (another mistake), but here it is :

It was based on a Muff-Fuzz, using BC109C (Hfe circa 400 each), clipping diodes were 1N4148, but the emitter 2K7 resistor of Q2 was bypassed by a 10µF cap, which doesn't exists on the original. The gain was dramatically increased, and so the unstability !

You had lo-fi distortion and variable background like shortwave/FM crossmodulation and fading mixed in the guitar sound...  To improve that effect, I added an antenna at the input, and it was sensible to the volume and tone settings on the guitar : I was able to tune the radio-like effect with the volume, and with the tone it was possible to obtain "oceanside" effects, like a noise generator coupled to a phase shifter and a VCF...

I think that the circuit was working like a kind of randomly detuned Flewelling super-regeneration SW receiver in the background of the distortion, but melted/modulated with it. An unusual, very interesting effect, that I promised to build and call "Radio-Fuzz", fitted with a telescopic antenna... Still waiting with my memory fading, like too many projects !


I apologize for my approximative english writing and understanding !


that sounds cool, i usually only get spanish radio on my fuzz... :D

my thinking goes like this....

guitar----hi cut/ low cut plus a little distortion(1)---chanel 1---l
                                                                                       l<--lfo(3) to randomly fade from one to the other creating radio fading in/out....
        ----noise source(2)----------------------------chanel 2----l

so 1 distortion should be non threshold related?... maybee crossover dist. or 'saturation/warp control type' low threshold that small and big signals alike will be affected similarly...or ringmod like? for some radio transmission weirdness?

2 noise could be white noise or actual mini radio static, maybe also low cut at least to match the signal to taste... even fuzz face radio antenna trick.
also maybee more harsh click pop noise as opposed to soft seashore static white noise...

3 lfo or sequenced quasi random blending... or just 2 series lfo'd mixer sections one slow one fast for longer sync...
what about a randomish noise source as the lfo...

i dont know, lfo's are kinda out of my comfort zone... but a way to blend the noise and guitar signal back and forth ,actually a volume drom in the middle might be an asset, randomly so it seems like faiing in/out...

nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!


Well, why not trying a 2-channel mixing controlled by a foot-pedal (kind of modified volume pedal), one channel is the guitar (+ fuzz), the other one is a pocket radio switched in a SW or LW band and suitably tuned ?

I will try to retrieve what was my Radio-Fuzz by breadboarding : I should have built it on the spot at the time instead, or at least took notes !

I apologize for my approximative english writing and understanding !


yeah, i hear you man, ive said so many times 'i have to put this thing in a box' its a keeper. only to tinker it down to nothing.
a foot pedal for control would really simplify the circuit too. i even think i have an old volume pedal type thing that has plenty of room...
if i do go that route, i may add a jack for a 'noise source' wheather a noisy ringmod or white noise or a little mp3 player with some loops recorded onto it...
that would be pretty versitile...
a little acoustic guitar / seagulls  :D
or some heavy metal chugging / construction demolition noise...
that reminds me...  :D i do an open mic and have recorded some of the covers we do. so a few weeks ago it was so dead and noone was really feeling in the mood to play, so i plugged my mp3 player in and played some of the recorded covers thru the p.a. and we just kind of 'pretended' we were playing live...
:D it was so dead no-one even noticed.  :-X :D :D
nothing says forever like a solid block of liquid nails!!!