booster cap sub for treble cut / boost

Started by petey twofinger, September 21, 2012, 06:46:50 PM

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petey twofinger

i put a boost circuit (stereo / dual ) in my mini amp and its a bit treblie .

whioch cap do i change to adjust the treble .

there are 2 amps i did both need mods .

one is a smally npn boost the other is a amz mosfett .

i will post schemos if needed , busy , its my B-day , gotaa run @

oh and thanks .
im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself


happy birthday leif!!

sent ya a little something via US mail....

that said, i'd need to look at the schematics, but you can always bleed some treble off to ground with a small value cap maybe?  take it right from the input cap, i'd imagine or just before it...
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


Try a LPB like boost with the lower input resistance.

Look at some of my recent posts, in one I have a graph of input resistance changes.

petey twofinger

amz :

npn boost , i do remember the energy drink image ...

again i need to reduce the treble .... thinking of switching a cap value or even having two (actually four cause its stereo ) sets of caps on switches , but this may be too comlex or messy ... hmmm . its really treblie , the guitar has actives , with the tone all the way down on the guitar , the wah on in heel position its still a bit much . :(
im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself

petey twofinger

curious which capacitor controls the amount of treble in the twop above circuits . i need to reduce the treble .

thanks in advance :)
im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself


Several easy places:

Increase C2
put a 100-220pf cap between the gate and drain
put a small cap (1n or smaller) to ground after C4
Put a 1-2K resistor between C4 and the output
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petey twofinger

thank you , i am gonna monkey with this soon . today i tried PJP's suggestion and it did do the trick but i have no easy acess to that cable / jack to cut it in . the booster board however is very easy to acess , so ...
im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself