Help: Veroboard for Ibanez and Bartolini EQ

Started by Mr. Lime, October 17, 2012, 04:46:57 PM

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Mr. Lime


I've got some schematics of Equalizer but I'm not able to create a veroboard of them..

Is someone able to do that for me?

Thanks and best regards!
Mr. Lime


If you search the forum for NTMB you should find a vero layout I did for the Bartolini.

Mr. Lime

Oh, thanks a lot, that's exactly what I'm looking for!  :)

best regards, Emil

Mr. Lime

One more question about the NTMB;
I want to put the preamp into a guitar, how do I have to change the values or does this circuit work fine in a guitar too?
I think the resonant frequencies are far too low, I have to get between 1,5kHz to 4,5kHz..

best regards, Emil