Help a beginner with finishing the Neovibe

Started by livinlavidaloca, November 06, 2012, 08:05:25 AM

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First post here. As I said I'm basically a beginner (although I've sucessfully put a fuzz box or two together) and am trying to finish a Neovibe for a friend. The PCB is populated but now I need some help with connecting the jacks, pots, etc.

I wand to use a 3PDT switch, LED and an 18V DC supply (with the help from a 'voltage doubler cable' from two 9V DC on the power supply).

I've done a quick amateurish mock-up in MS paint and would like to ask you guys if someone is willing to draw the connections for me. I would really appreciate that!

Here it is:

Thanks a lot! Cheers!




Thanks for the link Morocotopo! Unfortunately I'm not that good with electronics to make out the desired wiring of the pedal ...

Like I said I'm a beginner and I'm building this for a friend who invested more than 100$ in this project and I don't want to destroy the parts by connecting something the wrong way.

If someone's prepared to do this it would help me a lot and probably other fellow beginner builders out there too!



Pedals Built- Morley ABC Box, Fultone A/B Box, DIY Stompboxes True Bypass box, GGG Drop in Wah, AMZ Mosfet Boost, ROG Flipster, ROG Tonemender, Tonepad Big Muff Pi.
On the bench:  Rebote 2.5,  Dr Boogie, TS808


Thanks for the link boogietube! I saw that before but I was hoping someone could help me with my specific situation. I simply don't have the knowledge to do it myself.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


OK guys, I just wired it up as it is shown in the PDF project file. I've connected it to power and tried to adjust the bias via the trimpot. I can only get some "effect" with volume and depth to full and speed set to lowest possible and when I turn the speed up there's nothing, just dry sound. Same happens when I flick the chorus/vibrato switch. To me it sounds like a power issue, but I'm not sure.

I've tried:
- a power supply with insulated outputs 9V+9V via the T-rex voltage doubler
- 24V AC adaptor (550ma)

Do these symptoms sound familiar to anyone? Do you think the power supply is the problem here?

Btw, when adjusting the bias the lamp can be stronger or weaker, depending where the trimpot is set, which I think is normal, right?


Courtesy of the mighty Harald, (who's layouts are my mini bible)

Hopefully that is clear enough, that is as if you're looking at the bottom of the box. Make sure that the ground is on the shield of the input and output jacks (as opposed to the tip which the end of the jack plug touches).

Another VERY important part is making sure that the 3PDT switch is the right way around for your wiring. Note that in this photo, the pegs are more 'horizontal' so you should mirror that perfectly (as long as they're horizontal, it's the right way around)

The CIRCUIT IN is the top right pad on your circuit board, and the CIRCUIT OUT is the middle lug of your Volume Pot.

Hope this helps, keep checking your wiring, and keep checking any places that might cause a short circuit. In my first pedal I had about three short circuits when I put it in the box
Piss poor playing is why i make pedals.