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unrealBook 1.993 is available.

unrealBook 1.993 for iPad is available with iRig Blueboard support. This cool 4 button wireless pedal will allow you to turn pages, start/stop your music, bring up searching functions wirelessly. There are 2 modes – program mode and control mode. In program mode – the buttons are preset in function for unrealBook. In control mode, the buttons can be completely programmed for function! Just set each button to one of the following controller numbers:

Controller number – function

0 – Find popup
1 – Pause/Continue music player
2 – Prev Page
3 – Next Page
4 – Set List song popup
5 – Goto menu
6 – Do menu
7 – Quick Panel

Click on the Blueboard pedal to check it out!


Light Plates for your 1590B and 1590BB boxes!

These light plates fit in between the bottom plate and the box. They provide a way to light up the edges of your pedals and make a cool lighting effect!!!!! So instead of a single LED lighting up, you see the entire border of the bottom of the box lighting up!!!!! It’s very cool. All you need to do is drill the holes on the plate and mount an LED.


Reference this thread for what it does.

unrealBook for iPad (Sheet Music Reader)

For the guys that use sheet music onstage, check out my iPad app! Over the years I have created my charts in Sibelius and saved them as PDF. I’ve always wanted a device that I could carry with me to replace the multiple binders that I use for all of my gigs. I would have one binder per band and sometimes they would be rather large (3″ binders).

When the iPad came out, I knew that I wanted to write an app that would help me recall my charts onstage and allow me to create set lists.

Here is unrealBook. It allows you can easily find and load your PDF files and does a few things more. Since I have been using unrealBook, I have left my binders in a pile unused. I’m using unrealBook on my gigs and it’s great!!!!!!

Check out unrealBook!

Things I have learned this year

I decided to post a few things that I have learned this year.

All wire is definitely directional. What I did was rewire my amp again, but not with expensive teflon wire or solid silver etc… All I did was reverse the direction! The clarity was amazing. All this time that’s all it was. It took me a while to get the power amp section correct, I reversed the plate lead wires and this made a huge difference.

In addition, I realized that carbon comp resistors sounded twice as good if you use half the resistor value and double them up in series. GREAT SOUND! I can only imagine what it would sound like if you used 3 or 4 in series.

For pedals, it will usually sound better if you use thicker wire. It’s really hard to use the thickest wire possible, but the sound is amazing. Now you wish you never threw away that Weller Soldering GUN!