Bookmark this Page

Bookmark this Page


There will be times when you have a large document but you want to refer to songs in that document as individual songs. Bookmarks allow you to do this. Go to the page in the document that you want to treat as a file and press the Do button and choose Bookmark This Page and enter the number of pages of the song. Name your new Bookmark and it will appear in the All Files list like any other file. Choose the bookmark and your document will be loaded with the page showing.
You can use Bookmarks in set lists like any other file. Bookmarks are simply pointers to a PDF, they tell unrealBook to load the actual PDF that the Bookmark refers to. # of pages is a setting that will affect how the bookmarks turn through set lists. Set this if you have bookmarks to songs in a PDF that have multiple pages.

The default number of pages is zero. This means to ignore this field – which was the way previous versions of unrealBook worked prior to 1.7. If you want to turn through bookmarks in a set list without having to use the next and previous arrows, then set this field to the number of pages that your song is. For example if a bookmark points to page 10, and page 10 has a song that is 3 pages long, then set the # of Pages field to 3.

Save and add to set list will create the bookmark and add it to the current set list.
(Note: Export Pages can substitute for the bookmark feature as well and may work better since it creates a new document). 

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