Latest News – unrealBook


Unfortunately a user found a bug in 4.44 with set lists. If you are in the set list editor and use the magnifying glass, make sure you close the magnifying glass popup before saving. Otherwise the popup will not work after that.

You can force quit the app to have it work again. 4.45 coming.

6-13-24 iTunes library – I do not recommend.

If possible, use mp3 files. Just copy them into unrealBook like PDF files and then link them to the PDF.

See this post.

5-24 – Created a user forum where users can help each other out. This is not an “official” means of support (use the Ticket feature) but will be monitored.

The old website will be phased out in June. Do not use it anymore.

3-31-24 Please make backups regularly. Try the first method which is the fastest to Airdrop your files to a computer. Otherwise do the other methods.


3-21-24 I’ve heard of two people that had a problem with unrealBook launching after the update. It will open and immediately quit. To solve this, reset the preferences:

You shouldn’t ever need to do this, but somehow Apple has done something and screwed up user defaults.

3-8-24 Version 4.43 available. Bug fixes and new ability to speed up/slow down/change pitch of audio and save to new file. Instructions here.

Drawing toolbar is moveable. Just put your finger in any unused area of the toolbar, press down and drag the toolbar around.

Playbar will always start from zero when double-clicked unless global is set for use start offset. Play/stop buttons correctly adjust to dark mode changes while the app is running. Undo button always appears for non-apple pencil drawing.

2-21-24 Version 4.42 submitted to App Store. Should be available shortly.

14+ years of updates.


Happy new year! iOS17 has not posed any problems although a new version will be available shortly.


Heard about a weird “Keyboard Full Access” problem that can prevent keyboard pedals (like the PageFlip) from working correctly on iPad.

See the link


Just waiting on iOS17 news with Airturn, but have been using iOS17 since day one with no problems. Will have release shortly if nothing reported with AirTurn.


Preliminary report iOS17 – Airturn and iRig work as far as I can tell. No major problems that I have seen except one of the scanning libraries I am using cannot compile under iOS17. Will have to either rewrite the scanning portion or find another library.


More unrealBook shirts, mugs etc..!

Check out the store!

In settings>Global>functions>More Functions there is a setting – Do not use audio in background if you don’t need unrealBook to do audio in the background set this ON. It will significantly improve your standby time when unrealBook is in the background or the iPad is locked. There is one negative: when control center is pulled down, audio will stop. Unfortunately this cannot be avoided with the current limitations in iOS.

4.41 Sets make search active false so the indexes are always present on the right of the file names in All Files.

4.40 “Missing index/Letters on right of All Files” To get back to the “old” menu, do this:

In unrealBook, see the gears icon (settings), then go to global then search.

Uncheck make search active

4.40 defaults back to old drawing methods since some iPads are super slow in doing the calculations. I have had no problems with the original iPad Pro and Gen 6 iPad. But some people have had problems with iPad Air Gen 2 and iPad Pro 3rd gen. Very strange. So old drawing methods are used but you can turn it OFF in settings>global>functions>more functions>Use old drawing routines – (Non Apple Pencil). Turning this toggle OFF will use the new drawing methods which will smooth out the drawing. In addition, there is a toggle for Do not use audio in background. If you turn this on, all audio will stop when putting unrealBook in the background. This can be useful to save battery.

4.39 fixes the IP address problem mentioned below.

11-22-22 – iOS16 doesn’t show the iPad name for the server name. Instead it shows a generic name that will not work! To get around this, you need to use the IP address of the iPad instead. Use this link to find the ip address. Once you have the IP address, use it in this format: http://IP_ADDRESS:8080/

So if the IP address is, then the master IP is:

A version of unrealBook will display the IP string instead of the iPad name until this is resolved.

11-9-22 – There is a problem with iOS16 and Airturn. The onscreen keyboard doesn’t work sometimes. Airturn is addressing this with a modification to their library. I will need to use this new library and issue an update. Working on it. This only affects the BT series pedals. Press the power button to show the onscreen keyboard until then.

9-12-22 – unrealBook runs on iOS16.

Due to changes in Dropbox, you may need to logout and log back in if unrealBook doesn’t see any files. “

Dropbox access tokens are short lived, and will expire after a short
period of time. The exact expiry time of a token is returned by the
token endpoint (or the redirect URI in implicit grant) – but is
generally long enough for a reasonable web session.”

8-7-12 – 4.39 runs on iOS16 beta 4. This could change in the future but it is running on my copy of the beta. This version contains the latest bug fixes, newest Airturn library and a fixed set list search bar among other features.

2-16-22 – 1 finger pan bug. When unrealBook is made active, 2 finger pan is enabled in landscape mode. This is a bug. Will be fixed in the next beta due out shortly. This will be the last iOS 12 version.

1-27-22 FIXEDAirturn does not turn pages after entering and exiting drawing mode. This is as far as I know a new problem with the Airturn library and iOS15. This only happens with the keyboard airturn devices. For this reason, I highly recommend that people purchase the newer Airturn Direct line of pedals – BT-200. They will have less problems moving forward and will be less subject to breaking every time Apple releases a new operating system. WORKAROUND – Go to Songs->All Files and load a song or simply open and close the all files popup.

See the iOS15 page for more information about work-arounds and iOS15 problems.

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Run the settings app on the iPad go into Privacy->Local Network->unrealBookMake sure that unrealBook is ON (enabled).

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