Using the index editor for large PDF files

Using the index editor for large PDF files

Indexes allow you to create a file containing a list of titles and pages for a specific document. Think of it as a table of contents that you can create for a large PDF book. unrealBook now includes an index editor so you don’t need to use a computer to create and edit indexes.

Use the Songs menu and load a PDF that you want to create an index for. Go to the page that you want to create an index listing for.

Make sure that your PDF is loaded and you are on a page that you want to create a listing for.

Press the +/Verify button to start creating an index or skip to edit an existing index below.


Choose Create Index


Press the + button to create a listing


Press the + button to create a new listing.

Edit the title


Use the onscreen keyboard to change the title. Use the x button to quickly clear the title and type in a new name.

Continue the above for every page that you want a index listing for.

Repeat as many times as necessary.

Save your index


Press Save to save your index

Name and save your index file


Name and save your index.

Your index file will now be available in the Songs->Indexes menu


Other index editor features


The extra buttons from left to right in the editor are as follows:
Go to top of list.
Go to bottom of list.
Sort by title alphabetically.
If you are on a particular page of a PDF, press the Locate Page to scroll to a matching line in the index.
Email the index.

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