Add Transmogrify Button

Add Transmogrify Button


The Transmogrify Button is a special button that can do different functions.

Press the type of Transmogrify button you want then press the Create button. Then press on the page where you want the button to appear. After creating a transmogrify button you can change the parameters for the button or delete it by pressing and holding on the button for more than 3 seconds. 

The Metronome, Playback and Pitch buttons are the main windows that have parameters.

Metronome Parameters


The Flash button will enable a visual display of the current beat. Turn Sound on and off to hear the metronome. Tempo sets the rate of the metronome. Flash will display a visual display for the specified number of betas.

Player button Parameters


The player button controls the built in music player. Start Offset (secs) is an offset that will start the music x number of seconds from the beginning.
Use File: when pressed will display a popup of audio files (mp3, caf,wav and m4a) that can be played when the button is clicked. To default back to music player control, just clear the name field.

Pitch Parameters


Type in a pitch from C3 to F4 to have the button play a pitch when pressed.

MIDI Button


The MIDI button allows you to send MIDI messages with a compatible MIDI interface. Type in the raw MIDI data (as hex values) or use the Program and Controller buttons to enter default MIDI values. Use the Test button to send the MIDI data to your MIDI keyboard. The Clear button will remove any MIDI messages from the list area. Note that MIDI data entered must be in HEX (such as C0 01). Any line that starts/contains a semicolon (;) is treated as a comment.

Add Text

Add Text

Use the Add Text Button to add short one line text to your documents.

Text dialog after using Do->Edit Object and pressing on text to modify.

You can add short one line text annotations to your documents. Press the Add Text button and then tap anywhere on the screen. A text editing field will appear. Enter your text and then press OK to finish entering text. The text will appear and become highlighted in yellow. To edit your text and change the background color and size, use the Do menu. Choose Do->Edit Object and press on the text you want to change. A window will appear allowing you to change the size, background color. If you press the asterisk * to the right of the size, all new text objects will be creating in the size that is shown.

Add Hot Spot

Adding a Hot Spot


A Hot Spot allows you to highlight an area of your music and jump to another page in the document. You would use this for a D.S. Sign or for a To Coda. Press the Do button and choose Add Hot Spot. An alert will appear telling you to tap on a spot in the document to place the Hot Spot. After choosing OK, tap on the page where you want the Hot Spot to appear. Once the Hot Spot appears on the music, tap it again to assign a page number to jump to when you tap on the button again. Note that Hot Spots can only be assigned in the default zoom.

Once a Hot Spot has been assigned, tap on it to jump to the specified page.
You can change the page number or delete the button any time by pressing and holding the button for longer than 2 seconds. A popup will appear allowing you to change the page number or to delete the button. Buttons are saved per document. 

You can also use a Hot Spot to jump to another document as well. 

Editing/Deleting a Hot Spot – (iOS 5,6)


To delete or edit a Hot Spot, press and hold on the Hot Spot for more than 2 seconds. The Hot Spot parameters will be displayed. You can delete or assign another page to the Hot Spot.

Editing/Deleting a Hot Spot – (iOS 7 and above)


To delete or edit a Hot Spot, press and hold on the Hot Spot for more than 2 seconds. The Hot Spot parameters will be displayed. You can delete or assign another page to the Hot Spot.

Assigning a Hot Spot to another document


Press the Link To File… button in the Hot Spot Editor. The Link Hot Spot To File window will appear. Use the magnifying glass to select another document and use the previous and next page buttons to select the page number. When you are done, press the Link button on the top right to assign the document to the Hot Spot.

Assigning a Hot Spot to a BlueBoard Foot Switch (iOS 7 and above) set to controller 11


Set Use with BlueBoard to ON. Any foot switch on the iRig BlueBoard set to controller 11 will now activate this Hot Spot. For example, in the above picture, if you press a BlueBoard foot switch assigned to controller 11, the hot spot will be activated and you will jump to page 10.

Assigning a Hot Spot to a BlueBoard Foot Switch (iOS 7 and above) set to controller 11 for Double Tap


Set Use with BlueBoard to ON. Set Jump to here with BlueBoard Footswitch to Double Tap (C11). Now whenever you double tap quickly on a footswitch set to controller 11, you will jump to this Hot Spot. For example you can put the Hot Spot on a page with a CODA so when you double tap on the footswitch, you wil jump to the page that the Hot Spot is on. The Hot Spot is acting as a marker that you jump to.

Assigning a Hot Spot to a BlueBoard Foot Switch (iOS 7 and above) set to controller 13 or Controller 14


You can assign 2 footswitches on the BlueBoard to act as jump to switches. The most obvious example is a DS and CODA. Set a footswitch on the BlueBoard to controller 13 and another to controller 14. Now place a Hot Spot on the DS page and then set Use with BlueBoard to ON and set the Jump to here with BlueBoard Footswitch to controller 13. Then place another Hot Spot on the page with a CODA and then set Use with BlueBoard to ON and set the Jump to here with BlueBoard Footswitch to controller 14. Now when you press the footswitch set to controller 13, you jump to the page with a DS. Press the footswitch assigned to controller 14 and then you will jump to the page with a CODA.

Bookmark this Page

Bookmark this Page


There will be times when you have a large document but you want to refer to songs in that document as individual songs. Bookmarks allow you to do this. Go to the page in the document that you want to treat as a file and press the Do button and choose Bookmark This Page and enter the number of pages of the song. Name your new Bookmark and it will appear in the All Files list like any other file. Choose the bookmark and your document will be loaded with the page showing.
You can use Bookmarks in set lists like any other file. Bookmarks are simply pointers to a PDF, they tell unrealBook to load the actual PDF that the Bookmark refers to. # of pages is a setting that will affect how the bookmarks turn through set lists. Set this if you have bookmarks to songs in a PDF that have multiple pages.

The default number of pages is zero. This means to ignore this field – which was the way previous versions of unrealBook worked prior to 1.7. If you want to turn through bookmarks in a set list without having to use the next and previous arrows, then set this field to the number of pages that your song is. For example if a bookmark points to page 10, and page 10 has a song that is 3 pages long, then set the # of Pages field to 3.

Save and add to set list will create the bookmark and add it to the current set list.
(Note: Export Pages can substitute for the bookmark feature as well and may work better since it creates a new document). 

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